
Should we tax high fat foods?

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The number of fat or indeed obese people is now endemic! I cannot understand how people can let themselves get to such a state. I cannot understand how these people cannot be ashamed to eat in public considering their size. I think that those people who are obese should not be allowed treatment under the NHS just as many have suggested of smokers. Lets' face it, the majority of the underclass is overweight/obese and it is that section of society which is breaking the NHS.




  1. And next we'll come after YOUR bad habits!!

    Beyond that, few people have any clue at all what is really driving up the cost of healthcare.  But here's a clue: it's not smokers and fat people.

    In fact, it is the demand for all the latest technology, testing, and every other conceivable medical practice that might extend a person's life for another five minutes.  Combine that with longer than ever life expectancy, and you have the formula for very expensive healthcare.  And, oh yeah, don't forget about the cost of malpractice insurance.  (Thank to people like John Edwards.)

    By the way, it is a fact that the longer you live, the more you will spend on healthcare.  Ironically, and this is proven, healthy people who live long lives will spend far more on healthcare than smokers and fat people who die young.

  2. absolutely not.   you have no business with what I eat and visa versa......good heavens cant you think for yourself at all must big brother do it all....   and for heavens sake get your facts straight...the price of cigs is more than 50 percent tax.

  3. Yes,the concerned officials should tax high fat food to control obesity.

  4. Sorry, I don't think you get the point! FAT is cheap  it is a by product and the food companies can't get rid of it... SO..

    They use it in cheap foods as a "filler" and to provide energy. instead of more suitable foods.

    SO.. If you are on a budget and can't afford quality food you are CONDEMNED to eat high quantities of fat wether you want to or not...

    SO.. supermarkets who market budget brands put tenders out and as such the weigh off is between quality and quantity.

    It isn't uncommon to eat a diet high in fat;  Inuit, Nomads and other indiginous people eat a high proportion of food that is high in fat, surely it is a matter of lifestyle.  Families on a breadline even in my youth ( mid forties) ate bread and dripping as a main meal ( me included) I'm not obese because I ate a diet of pure fat then; but an accident and broken ribs reduced my mobility for nearly a year and even eating a diet of raw foods and low fat foods I have put on weight..Returning to exercise has started reducing  this "excess".

    If your question was should we tax convenience foods? Then again your taxation would target a very high proportion of the population, most on or near the poverty line. Turkey breast costs as much as steak, but Turkey twizlers with over 40% fat are a £1.00 a kilo and will feed the hungry.

    So in short by taxing high fat foods you are taxing those below the poverty line and not having an effect on obesity.

    your questionmight be better phrased as ! Should we  tax VENDORS of Fast food / take-aways with a high fat content?

    THen there would be a revolution

  5. How would you define high fat ?

    Healthy Olive Oil 100% fat Butter 82% fat

    Fillet Steak little fat, Belly Pork lots of fat

  6. No, food should not be taxed higher. Why should people suffer financially for the sake of the ones who binge-eat?

  7. tax,  whats that going to do, **** all thats what, drugs are illegal does that stop people, no it doesn't, killing people if illegal does it stop people, no it doesn't.  what about the people who are disabled and are obese as they cant exercise should they be denied access to NHS services?

  8. you should tax high fat foods as high as you can (reason)look around you and you will see huge businesses making a fortune out of cheap fatty foods in detriment to our health do i need to name them 'naw' just look in the high street everywhere you go.

  9. I think you should be asking the food companies why they put the rubbish into our foods.The trans fats,e numbers also I wonder if the rubbish they put in is it addictive.Sausages use to be meat now they shove anything in bones,inners you name it.

  10. Why do you care if they are fat? Maybe for you we can have an ugly, stupid a?#hole tax. I mean how can people be so worthless like you and not be taxed for it? Maybe when the gestapo break the doors down you will be the first to go. Some people have real health problems like thyroidism etc. So why don't you do a little research on subjects before flapping your ignorant head?

  11. Well, it would defenitely detour me from buying junk food that's for sure.

  12. It could help but it will be another tax.  We could prefer to give tax incentives to those keeping a healthy weight if this action is constitutionally legal and not considered discriminating or too complicated to manage. Continuous education campaigns in all the media made available to all the population could be of great help.

  13. Yes.

  14. Absolutely not. And if you don't watch out, they're going to tax what YOU like, next!

    Vote for Rudy!

  15. Sounds like the food police are coming...

  16. I have to pay sales tax on everything I buy.  Don't you?  Your intolerance in public bothers me more.

  17. No,tax 'High Fat People' they clog up the HS with all their obese problems like diabetes,heart disease etc....

  18. Excise taxes on alcohol and liquor must also be used on fat foods to discriminate manufacturers to contribute in killing people through heart attacks.

  19. WHY DON'T WE TAX smokers first? They are causing the tax payers way much more billions by getting cancer, heart problems, and dozens more illnesses. PLUS given cancer in great quantities to non-smokers, just by their SECOND HAND smoke!!!!

  20. No! No! No! Absolutely not!

    The nanny state in this country cannot be allowed any more power!

    The real answer to your question is contained in your second sentence - "I cannot understand how people can let themselves...".

    The thing is, people must be allowed to let themselves mess up, (or get fat in this case), and then take their *own* action to rectify the situation. If the nanny state comes along to stop you doing anything even slightly harmful, then people won't ever learn.

    Yes, educate people, yes, put nutritional information on food. But for heaven's sake allow people the freedom to make their own choices.

  21. The purpose of a tax is to support a government, not to punish or modify behavior.  To use it as such is a violation of due process of the law.

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