
Should we teach Spanish in schools mandatory .?

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Should we teach Spanish in schools mandatory .?




  1. In PA, students in the college prep program are required to take 3 years of a foreign language. Most schools provide a choice bewteen French, Spanish, or German. I chose French. It's a beautiful language. My children know ASL, which is also a language. So my children can communicate with deaf children like few others can.

    You can make learning spanish mandatory, but you will have to fight amongst yourselves over which VERSION of spanish to indoctrinate our American children into. Might I recommend the Spain version ...

    You will also see many fed up parents pulling their children out of the public school mess by the droves, leaving only the illegal aliens and their supporters children in the schools. Now, when all the taxpayers kids are no longer in those schools, who will foot the bill?

    Some people think a new revolution is impossible, but I dare say, it is rather inevitable.

  2. I dont know how it would be a bad idea. The more the marrier..

    It doesnt necassarly have to be spanish though.

  3. A huevo!!!

  4. Some people still haven't mastered English.

    However, bilingual education is usually rather successful, be it Spanish or any other language.

  5. A foreign language credit was required to graduate from my high school. They offered French and Spanish. I chose Spanish as it was clearly the more practical of the two. Very sad, our public schools.

  6. I would answer NO, but considering the United States are now labeling Hispanics and Latinos as White in the race catergory that we check off, its inevitable that it will Happen.

    They still use Black or African America

    Asian Americans

    Native Americans

    and Other Race

    But Catergorize White and Latinos as ONE.....

    Help me to understand this one...........

  7. No, we shouldn't force Spanish on Americans.

    "Some people still haven't mastered English."

    My, I'm sorry we're all so incompetent compared to you.

  8. Most states do require a second language in order to graduate and I think that is fine, however, I don't think it should be mandatory that the language be Spanish.

    Personally, I'd love to see Latin taught in schools.

  9. NO. NO. NO. This is USA and the official language is english.

  10. No, but schools should continue to offer additional languages for those children who are interested.  The majority of students would be much better served in getting their basic math, science and English up to a competitive level with students from other countries.  

    Seriously, we don't need to dumb down our students to the lowest common denominator.  Those who excel, should certainly get additional opportunities to gain new skills, like foreign languages.  Those who do not excel need to have their basics strengthened.

  11. I dont think that it should be mandatory for just spanish.... I think that it should be mandatory that you learn a second language, but it should be your choice which language you want to take.

  12. I think a foreign language (not necessarily Spanish) should be mandatory.

  13. well im mexican and speak spanish 100% but een thou i take much pride we live in america were the language isenglish not spanish.

  14. At my high school it is mandatory to take a foreign language class.....Like many others that have answered this question I believe that it should be required, not necessarily Spanish, but a second language...Especially since the USA is becoming a multi-cultural country, with many people who speak English as a second also opens more job opportunities if you can speak a foreign language...

  15. I live in South Florida. There are a good amount of Hispanics that reside there.

    Should Spanish be mandatory to learn in schools?

    No. Because I am told on a regular basis that I need to learn Spanish from Hispanics that I work with whose English and grammar are exceptionally poor.

    There are a lot of students who come from Cuba, Venezuela and Columbia who would like to study in Miami on student visas. There is a communication barrier between them and I because coming from Canada I've learned English and French which is the official second language in the country.

    I will not feel apologetic for not knowing Spanish however will take the initiative to learn when it's convenient for me.

    Although it helps a great deal to be bilingual in English and Spanish in America, students should be able to maintain the right to study whatever language they desire to learn. However, I firmly believe in this country English is mandatory to learn. Any language after that comes secondary.

  16. It should never be mandatory in the US.

    I entirely approve that a second language is mandatory in European countries, but the US alone is roughly the size of all of Europe, and one can live their entire life in the US with just English and without ever learning a single foreign word.

    Pursuant to that I see no reason to FORCE kids to learn a second language.

    On the other hand I would strongly ENCOURAGE kids to learn a second language because one cannot deny that that is an invaluable tool in today's world, and Spanish in particular is fast becoming a requirement of lots and lots of jobs in the US. Like I said, it should be encouraged (within the limits of each individual's strengths -- some people just suck at languages just like I always sucked unspeakably at math), and it should be offered much earlier than it currently is. And by that I mean as early as the very first years of elementary school.

  17. Why not french or Chinese, kind of racist to make Spanish mandatory, don't ya think.

  18. No and the day they do is the day you will see me suing the school for violating my child's rights. This country was founded on English and anyone not respectful enough to speak it should be thrown out. I will not be forced nor have my child be forced to learn a language which in no way relates to us.

  19. I think it should be mandatory to teach a second language. Not necessarily Spanish, but of the students choice. Studies have shown that learning a second language improves brain function, especially in young children. That can't be a bad thing and knowing another language is NEVER a bad thing.

  20. Looks like a good idea

    To dstret

    Don't be. It is not your fault

  21. yes!!

  22. No, non-English speakers should go back to their country and come back when they've learned English.

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