
Should we teach our daughters to respect men? If so, why? If not, why not?

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  1. They only deserve the amount of respect they give.

    They are no different than anyone else.

  2. Of course. We need to teach all children to respect all humans, regardless of gender. I know feminists would disagree with me...oh well.

  3. This is a stupid question.  Children should be taught to respect  people regardless of gender.  Anything otherwise is blatantly sexist.

  4. I teach my children to respect all people, and themselves.

  5. Respect of others is vital to humanity. If half the population is raised to believe that the other half is unworthy of respect, our civilisation is doomed.

    Women should not be taught to respect men because they're men. They should be taught to respect men because they're human.

  6. Respect , like trust ( IS EARNED ) not just randomly granted because mommy said so.

  7. Men Are Great Role Models!!! for there daughters and speaking on behalf

    of My own Father , He always played a very important role in my life

    which has given me my- over all opinion of my father, and familiy ...

    and male teacher's also provide, great company ,  for young women ,

    in the education process ,

  8. I am teaching my daughter to respect men and I am also teaching her to LOVE and HONOR her Father. even if he is not part of her life at this time. I believe it is important to teach her to LOVE him. I will NOT say anything against her daddy in front of her. that to me is child abuse.

    Now I am also teaching her that Boys and Men are NOT the enemy and to be treated with respect. just because I am a single mom does not mean I can't teach her right from wrong. I want my daughter to value everyone. and NOT hate anyone. I am also teaching her to respect Girls & Women. after all we need to get along to show our kids how we should help each other NOT fight each other. Good question. God Bless

  9. Yes. But not because they're men. Because they're people.

  10. I will teach my daughter to offer tacit respect for all other PEOPLE unless or until they do something to lose that respect.

  11. Many posters will say, "we should respect everyone". Hogwash.

    One man works hard to support his wife and children and provide for them in the best way he can. Another man fails to support the children he fathers forcing the mother to fend for herself and her child alone. Should we respect both men? Of course not.

    We should teach our children what is, and what is not respectable. People who behave in a respectable way should be respected. Those who behave in disrespectable ways should be disrespected and shunned.

  12. We should all teach our children (not just daughters) to respect each other and treat others as we want to be treated! There is no gender issue her, it applies to all!  

  13. We should teach our children to respect everyone regardless of gender or race.

    If you are a good person who is just trying to make it in the world by living a decent life, then there is no reason you shouldn't be respected.

  14. As in innocent till proven guilty, all are equal starting out.

    Respect of ourself is first thing taught and this will automatic follow with others. Respect must be earned and can be lost.

  15. In my view yes. I say treat everyone with respect.

  16. Our sons should be taught that women are physically weaker and that they should not allow an argument with women to escalate into a shouting match. It's better to just walk away. Our daughters should be taught that men have fragile egos and that they should in no way use their attractiveness and sexuality to demean or manipulate them.  

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