
Should we thank Sarah Palin for going from nowhere to infamy in no time at all?

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and keeping us all entertained?




  1. She is ready to lead. why did anyone think ?Hillary Clinton voters would follow, a gun toting, bible bashing Alaskan, purely because she is a Woman ?

  2. well yes but it can differ on the situation

  3. The Rethugs got in such a hurry to please Karl Rove with their VP nomination that forgot to vett Palin. Now it's biting them in their a**es. How deliciously IRONIC.

  4. Palin is real! Those other people hide behind there rhetoric and smiles. They are just a bunch of phonies who tell you what you want to hear.

  5. I must confess, I have been chuckling over the woman since she was announced.  I am kind of sorry to see the story about her daughter, though.  A 17 yr old newly married and about to have a baby isn't a laughing matter.

  6. Why infamy?

    Just shows her life has more in common with Americans than any candidate in history.

    I don't see the problem.  

    Her daughter is keeping the baby, and the family will support them.

    It's called Real Life.

    If people truly want change in Washington, what could offer a better hope of that than someone who's lived the kind of life that is in touch with reality.

    Or, we could toss a couple more government lawyers in the mix.

    You won't find any change there.

  7. I eagerly await each morning-it is the joke of the day every day since McSame named her.

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