
Should we trust our government?

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This question is for mainly Americans: Should we trust our government implicitly or question everything?




  1. I would like to think we could.We do however need to trust something.

  2. No.

    Government is basically power. The power to force you to do things it decides are good; and to force you to not do things it decides aren't good.

    That power is absolute. That power can destroy and cause untold harm and damage. So it must always be challenged, limited and held to deep scrutiny.

    That's why it's so disconcerting that so many people want to give government more control and authority over more parts of their lives.

  3. I trust the legislative and executive branches of the government more than I trust the judicial branch.

  4. you should have questions and thats why you have the right to vote. Vote into office the people that represent your beliefs and views on the world.  Be sure to have small government or we the people have no opinion or say in what happens and your freedoms are controlled by the government. Also if Obama gets into office you should leave the country because this country will be down the tubes and we will be attacked again by terrorists!

    McCain 2008

  5. We'd be fools not to question things.  That's the problem with so many Americans.  They follow like blind sheep.

  6. Um, no

  7. no,,,

  8. never.

  9. Question everything, end faith.

  10. h**l no!

  11. Question everything. Bible-Whores? There is a lot of anger in this. the most corrupt goverments are hard to distinguish. I do not believe everything that is being reported either. Question 9/11 How? You seem to have too much anger and belief that Reps lie more than Dems. I have caught Reps. in stretching the truth to see thoughness a few times. I have caught Dems doing this countless times. The Dems are not called as often on it.

  12. Sure why not. They're good people aren't they? Not.

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