My fiance and I are getting married on the first of next month (less than a week). He is a Marine and will be leaving for Iraq in August. I am very scared because I've never had to send someone off to Iraq before and I fear that he won't come home. I know he can take care of himself but there is that fear in the back of your mind (Military Wives, you know what I'm talking about). He has been to Iraq before and came back but the scary part is if he doesn't, we'll never be able to have our children
So my question is would it be right to try and get pregnant before he leaves for Iraq? I'm currently a college student in my sophomore year and he'll be busy serving overseas. Is this the wrong thing to do? I want to make sure if he doesn't come back that I have him still with me. But when he does come back, we'll have a child
I know it is a decision between us but if your wife (or husband) approached you about getting pregnant before a deploment, what would you say?