
Should we try for another baby yet??? I need Every Mommy's Input Please!!!?

by Guest60075  |  earlier

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Help Please. Maybe give me your pro's and con's. So Im able to weigh all differences when bringing this up to my husband. I already have one daughter she turned 2 in march, Im 18 happily married to a man a bit older than me with a very decent job. we just bought our first house in dec. I dont work now, i would like to take some night classes for something. we live decent, some days were stretched others we're not. i feel that now would be as good a time as any to have another and in a sense get it out of the way so i can stay home with that child too and then go to work when theyre a bit older. My husband has low sperm count, i feel we will be TTC for a while. It took a year last time.

The Kids would share a room. We need to do a few home repairs, and have unpaid med. bills im wondering how these will ever get paid. If we wait we might need I.V.F more bills (con) I have endometriosis & ov. cysts. so im worried about waiting too long(pro)

why do you think Yes/no

Thanks Everyone : )!




  1. If you wait til the bills are paid you will never have another one. I am not saying you should either way but when you put things off they usually stay put off.

    It will be hard with 2 little ones- one will be needy and the other will be even more needy.

    I waited til I was 35 and I don't think I could handle two in diapers but if I was your age I bet I could do it

  2. Do not have another kid right yet. Get your finances squared away. If you are 18, you have PLENTY of time to have more children. Just get things paid off and have another one in a year or two.

  3. i am 19 and just recently had my first little boy, he is now 5 weeks old. we have decieded that we won't have another baby for quite some years. your only 18 so you have alot of time left. if i were you i would wait wait until your finances are in the positive before taking on another baby. they are expensive and im sure you want them to have the best of everything. good luck to you and if its in God's will it will happen.

  4. IF your marriage is completely stable....I say GO FOR IT.

    If you wait til "your ready" it will never happen.

    Another thing to think about is, when your 1st child turns about 4 and up--she will be LONELY. Vacations, trips, and Holidays are SOOO much better when theres TWO!

    I had my 1st child at 18 and my second when he was 9 - there was hardly any bonding due to the age diff.

    HOWEVER, I had my 3rd child 2 years after my 2nd and it AMAZING how much EASIER and happy those 2 play and bond. I feel SOOO happy to have given my girls a forever bestfriend/playmate and only wish Id had done the same for my first child.

    Hope my input helps ;)

    Good luck hun!!

  5. I would start trying now, due to your hubbies low sperm count. It may take longer this time and if you dont get pregnant for a while you can always change your mind and hold off. I would your young so you should do it, while you can.

  6. You are young, you have plenty of time.  If I had to do it over again i would have waited till they were 4+ years apart.  It is just too hard with two in college.

  7. id say go for it even though most people would say no and that your too young. if you want to have another child and then go back to work then like you said.. raise them both for a while so you can go back to work sooner and help with the bills. its easier to raise kids closer in age anyway.

  8. I say go for it.  None of my pregnacies were officially planned but my husband and I knew we wanted three.  We are the same way, some times things are easier than others but we are happy and we love our boys.  If you are having fertility issues, I would not wait.  Endometriosis could spread and cause scarring that would not permit you to have another child.  As long as you feel you and your husbands relationship is on solid footing go ahead.  My boys are 8, 10, and 12 and I love the fact that they can all pretty much relate to each other age wise.  I'm currently working on my Master's Degree and work full time, but when I was working on my B.A. I did work part-time and go to school.  You'll find the fit that is best for you and your family!

  9. i had kids and there all 4yrs apart  except the last 2 are 5yrs apart

    I think wait a bit b4 #2!!

  10. There is never a perfect time to have another child.  There will always be cons and always be pros.  I would just see what happens w/o any birth control.  If it happens it happens.  Just let nature decide.

  11. Try to budget your money carefully, and instead of taking classes at night get a part-time job.  It is clear that you want another child, so go for it.

  12. I am also a young mother. I had my son at the age of 19. he is now two going on three. You should wait a couple of years. You are still young and it will be very hard to go to school when you have two kds. I am also taking night classes and i have a part time job. It is not easy. You should take care of your finances first so that your children could live a good life and get the things that they want without having to stretch a penny. I hope this helped.

  13. I would if I were comfortable with my financial situation. BIG PRO: the kids will be closer the closer in age.

  14. Talk to your husband about it. Tell him that you want another one now so they can grow up together. If he agrees I think you should buy a few boxes of ovulation kits and try that first. Don't stress. I used a few ovulation kits and I am now going to be induced this friday. I had problems with my cycle too. See what he says...I don't think children should go without at least one sibling, They need someone when their parents pass away. Good Luck.

  15. I think no because you have to make home repairs so having another baby you would have to use all your extra cash on that baby. Also the kid you have now you should focus all your attention that baby also I don't think he would like to share a room.  Hope you don't regret your decision. Just try to think about it for awhile and right down long term and short term goals. GOOD LUCK!!!

  16. Remember the world you are bringing your child into. If your house needs major repairs, you need to do it before you are pregnant or have an infant. You have bills. Those must be paid! Having a child is not cheap!!!

    Just a side note: You said that you were 18 and have a two year old. That must have been tough. You also said that you are married to an older man. You also said that you tried for over a year to get pregnant last time. You would have been sixteen!!!!

    WAIT!! You have lots of time to have more children!!!!!

  17. I was never really finacially stable and my children are 5 & 7. I think its great to have them around the same age. They play together all the time. They have their little tiffs, but its not bad. We have bills to, but we just pay what we can. Hope that helps.

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