
Should we use cell phone during it's charging?

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I heard one of my friends died becuase she was using her cell phone during it's charging and then.. it was shocked through her boday...





  2. The cell phone runs off 3 Volts- this is not enough to even feel anything. and you are not touching anything that is not insulated anyway. Now, if there is a lightning storm and your power line gets hit while you are talking on the plugged in phone- that's a different story.

  3. Never heard of such a thing as that. I use my phone while on charger.

  4. The only thing that could cause such as thing is lightning. It is possible to be on a land-line phone, even cordless, and a couple of mega watts of electricity could cause convulsions and other bad things. If your charging your phone and talking on it and lightning strikes, depending on proximity to electric line hit then it could be possible but not plausible.

  5. Thats called a freak accident! I use my phone sometimes on the charger and I've never had that happen, seen that happen, Heard that happen!  

  6. Of course, any device that is connected to mains power is potentially unsafe if the device is faulty or is used inappropriately.

    If an inherent risk of electrocution were present during normal battery charging, mobile phone manufacturers would ensure that customers were aware of it. They would not expose themselves to multi-million dollar legal actions by neglecting to make users aware of this potential risk. There would also be well-publicized warnings from government authorities and various consumer groups. Moreover, the media would certainly not remain silent on the issue.

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