
Should we use our prisoners to work in community?

by  |  earlier

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clean up the graffitti, the rubbish, remove gum stains,helping the needy poor, the list is endless. Now lets electronicaly tag our prisoners, let them free to go out and work off thier prisom sentence.

No they wont run away, the tag in the neck blows up.Our prisoms will then be kept for the realy seriouse crimes only and we will have space.




  1. yes we should use them to repay their debt to society by actually doing something in society - I'm very pro community service.  No we should not tag them only and let them out of prison - they are in prison because they are being refused the right to live in society, or being restricted within it.  If a punishment merits community service only, you don't need tags to enforce that.  If it deems removal for a time, tags won't work and I personally wouldn't want rapists living down the streeet with tags on their toes.  But, I also believe a lot of people shouldn't be in prison that are, and a lot should be that aren't (and some of them help run countries!).  

  2. That's not a bad idea... But the blow up thing I seen in a movie once. Besides what's his name has a point, innocent people can get hurt if it blows up. Perhaps something that will inject a needle with a leathal dose of something pops out into the neck.

    But the system thinks they deserve to work out in a gyms and have big screen tv's along with internet access. So as long as you have human right activists crying about it, then it's not going to happen.

  3. yes because its like rehabilitation and reintegrates them back into society after they are released etc etc

  4. So what about the innocent gas station owner who is getting robbed as the implant device blows up causing his death and the destruction of his store that provides for his family?

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