
Should we use the House of Commons for landfill?

by  |  earlier

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The events at the Commons yesterday was a disgrace to democracy and left a stench that no waste tip could ever match.

We are now governed by political slugs.




  1. Yes it is a bit of "tip" already with the all the rubbish.

    And they want to charge the public for rubbish collections - more money for them to fiddle on their expenses.

    No IFS or BUTS so the advert goes! lol.

  2. "We will be whiter than white" Tony Blair're having a larf!

  3. maybe we should use the MPs as landfill

  4. no need its already filled to the brim with c**p - there called MP's and to think that some of them actually have the gall to complain about people falsely claiming benefits when half of them are claiming expenses for their family to go shopping and housing allowance on property's that have no mortgage its a disgrace they are worse than the people who fiddle the benefits because they think they are better than these people, slugs would do a better job than any of the current political parties!!!

  5. well it isn,t any good for anything else ,so why not ,add the lords as well and the royals

  6. Well some might argued its full of rubbish

  7. Yes but just make sure all those losers there are at the bottom of it.

  8. Good idea, except that doesn't get rid of the problem so much as sweep it under the 'carpet' if you will.

    In my opinion, if we stopped paying attention to our politicians altogether and took control over our own lives and communities, they'd probably just go away anyway. what could they do to stop us?

  9. unforunatly we can not as the word land fill means to fill in the land and the house of commons is not below ground.

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