
Should we vote Palin/McCain into office and move toward a religious-based government?

by Guest44941  |  earlier

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Palin is very religious and believes that the Iraq War is a task from God. She also is very anti abortion and homos because of the Bible.

I know it's a totally different religion, but Iran is an Islamic Republic. Should we model our country after theirs and make the US into a Christian Republic? (or better yet Baptist, since those Catholics worship the false Pope).

I believe there are many things that we can do to be like the Iranians, like have a state religion (Christianity), ban abortion and make homosexuality a crime. It's sad that they are so backward but yet so much more true to their scripture than us. God is great!




  1. i cant think of a single president in the past who wasnt religious

  2. Umm, no. Our country was founded with the idea to keep church and state separate. Turning the US into a Christian Republic would violate the very concepts that the nation was borne of.

  3. Yes we need to stop taking God out of our schools and corrupting our children with all this new age filth

  4. DEFINATELY!!!!!

  5. The US basically already is a Christian Republic. What we need is for people to figure which morals actually help us treat each right and which make us discriminate and create inequality.  I think we need to keep that separation of church and state and work on the major problems in the US first.  The morality issues will fall into line when the rest of the country is working well.  I plan on voting for the democratic ticket because I think the economy is a much bigger problem for most of us right now than what other people are doing in their bedrooms.

  6. if that happens,  Canada is not so far away and i think if that happens, US will become Jesus States and Canada will become the new US.  

  7. America will never be a clerical state, no matter what. That is just a contradiction in terms

  8. It's ironic that "soccer moms" have become such a threat to national security - they want to imprison or kill off everyone who lives differently than they do. The whole Republican ethos of "we know what's best for eveyone" denies our great  traditon of respect for other relgions and cultures, as well as diversity in general. The U.S. has too many people living "non-traditional" lifestyles to turn back the clock, even if we wanted to - and most of us don't. It's time to stop the WASP's from dictating their values to the rest of us.

  9. you want to make homosexuality a crime???

    umm ok then. whatever you say.

  10. Next theyll make us learn is that the "Sun moves around the Earth" in science.

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