
Should we vote for Obama who is endorsed by Hamas, Jeremiah Wright, Farrakhan and others that HATE America?

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Should we vote for Obama who is endorsed by Hamas, Jeremiah Wright, Farrakhan and others that HATE America?




  1. yes.

  2. Drivel.

  3. HA!

    Is this ALL you got?

  4. Your association of Obama with Hamas and Louis Farrakhan is just dumb and not worth addressing.

    As for Jeremiah Wright, the Trinity church has been broadcasted on Chicago public television for years. If you are ever in the Chicago area and near a t.v. you should check it out sometime.

    Notice the article is from way back in January. Are you seriously that out of touch?

  5. Red herrings and strawmen, all they have left. If it is one thing right wingers are good at it is fear-mongering, they live in fear and are driven by fear.

    Is it too much to ask that we have a political discussion based on facts and issues as opposed to right wing terror?

    Another thing that drives me nuts is the idea that right-wingers have the market cornered on patriotism. Anyone who has made it this far in a presidential campaign is obviously patriotic. I wish you right-wingers could conceede that we all love our country, the debate lies in where we want our country to go and who we want to lead our country.

    Look up what Mark Twain said about patriotism.

  6. And McCain is supported by Jerry Falwell, a pastor who said that "I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the g**s and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America. I point the finger in their face and say 'you helped this happen."

  7. NO!!!!!

  8. WHAT? OMG go read a real book and quit reading the newspaper.......


  9. Yes Mr. Clear Thought we should.  

  10. If you were so smart Jefferson, you would have written that you are "TOO" smart.  Obviously you are not smart enough!

  11. And who's also a Bush & Cheney family member? Don't forget that...

  12. JUST VOTE FOR OBAMA, HE WILL BE A GOOD PRESIDENT . When George Bush was running for presidency I couldn't vote and that was a total frustration. I remember how he moved and the way he speaked to audience and absolutely I did not like him ,there was something in his face and his character, So there are some  things you have to do before you vote, look at the issues, look at their face, movements and think , Do they look and sound sincere?

  13. I am just to smart to vote for Obama, I like freedoms

  14. Yes,Maybe this country should suffer for 4 years to realize what we have now cant be beat,GOD BLESS AMERICA

  15. They haven't. Get your facts straight.

  16. Yes we should, he is also endorsed by hitler, pol pot kim jon il, stalin, and milosevich.

  17. Let's see, Hamas never actually endorsed Obama and did withdraw their complements later, Obama has denounced Farrakhan and Rev. Wright doesn't hate America.

  18. no

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