
Should weed be legalized

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should weed smokers have the same freedom as tobacco smokers

what do you think and why




  1. They should both be illegal because they ruin lives! Simple as that :)

  2. I think legalizing weed would be a major mistake.  There are no economic benefits to legalization.  There are enough problems with the legal drugs such as alcohol and cigarettes.  Cigarettes cause cancer, and even though we do collect tax money from smokers, the cancer treatment is more expensive than all the taxes they pay over a lifetime of smoking.  Weed smoking is also a cancer causing substance.  And weed is not harmless.  It is psychologically addictive (although not physically addictive some say) it does cause car accidents, it does cause mental illness (or make it worse), it can cause violence, it ruins ambitious competitive people's careers by making them passive.  It is not in any country's interest to have stoners walking around getting high (not to mention the international slackers that would visit the country due to the legalization).  And it also makes really crappy music sound good, as well as stupid comedy shows funny.

  3. Legalize all drugs and prostitution regulate and tax the h**l out of it eliminate the abuses women suffer in the business and collect boatloads of cash from the drugs.

  4. yes i think i should be because while tobacco is slowly killing people weed is merely making thema lil dumber i would rather be dumber than dead and to top it all off weed grows from the ground too and its not tampered with by industries n ****

  5. of course!

    there is absolutely NO harmful effects, on your body or your brain.

    it has many medicinal purposes.

  6. i think both suck but if anything weed legalized and tobacco illegal

  7. should it be legalized? yes.

    same as cigarettes? no.

  8. Yes, legalizing it will reduce crime... not increase it because of its not illegal it wont cause lawbreakers to deal it. The weed would be more pure and it isn't even as bad as bad as alcohol. Watch the videos below penn and teller say it best...    

  9. no, i think that we shouldnt add anymore drugs to the market because we are already regretting having alcohol and tobacco, also weed makes you lazy.

  10. All drugs need to be legalized. only way to solve the drug and crime problems caused by the drug war.  

  11. dont listen to all the people that said no , they are just ignorant becuase they havent experimented it and since society makes it look bad everybody is against it, and tobbaco is worst it is one of the main cuases cancer and death while there hasnt been a report of weed killing people, sure u can have a car accident if ur driving but dats just the same as drunk driving and dat should be illegal but smoking and just chillin should be legal., the goverment can make so much money legalizing it so dats why i think it should be legal

  12. in california you can get a pescription for legal weed. back in the day you could even get tax stamps to grow and sell it. i've never heard of anybody wrecking a car on weed. legalize weed and make alcohol illegal. only problem, how is big brother going to get his fair share of taxes off something you can grow in your backyard? it's not going to happen.

  13. no because weed kills brain cells and we have too many brain dead people walking around already, they dont need the extra help.

  14. Only for medical purposes.

  15. i believe tobacco should be illegal because those fumes can cause and impair others around you. i am allergic to tobacco so i think it should be illegal becuase when someone smokes around me i can't breathe and i get a huge headache.

  16. If there was a way to effectively tax and regulate it, by all means make it legal.

  17. I think it should be made legal. Weed was actually made illegal in the 1930s on the basis that it made black men rape white women (no joke). It was a totally racist decision that holds no ground today (and never did, for that matter). Smoking weed does not get people killed (unless you're a crazy dealer or something). Drunk drivers kill tons of people every year, every day, yet it is legal and causes more deaths from cirrhosis, alcohol poisoning, etc. Weed does not cause such problems and actually benefits quite a few health conditions.

    It's legal in other countries - countries more civilized and peaceful than the US, I might add. If anything it would decrease violence here.  

  18. Yes, this country was founded on dope! The Constitution was written on hemp paper. Alcohol is a lot more dangerous. The war on drugs is a waist of money!! And prison space!! They spend billions, and yet the U.S. is the number one drug use country in the world!! Billions!!!!!!!  

  19. i smoke weed. and i enjoy it very much. but honestly i do not think americans are responsible enough to have it legalized we would abuse it. but that would be badass. but no. i dont think so.

  20. alcohol is the number one drug in america.........because of availability

    the pathetic thing is, in the 60's we figured that all the lawmakers of the future were in college and smoking weed.......

    so we figured that they would legalize it someday........

    as it turned out.....they sold out


  22. Absolutely. In a free society the individual must be allowed to consume any substance they like. The government is in place to protect people from each other, not to protect people from themselves.  

  23. yes i really think tabacco should go and weed should be in because if everybody roll a joint relieve the mind the world would be a better place. . .everybody would be really hungry but i really think there would be world peace if we was legalized

  24. Yeah, alcohol's legal and its worse so...

  25. Yes it should. Nothing wrong with smoking a little bit of weed. I get good grades, work full time and volunteer my time. I smoke and it doesn't affect me not one bit. It should be legalized!!!

  26. absolutely not

  27. whats the point of smoking weed????

    is it supposed to make u cool er something

    cuz i think its dumb and most likely ur not cool

    weed is g*y!!!!!!!!!!!!

  28. Well ciggarette's don't get you high, no matter how much you smoke, it won;'t get you high. It of course damges your health, but the packet;s still have warnings..

    If weed was illegal, that would be messed up. Seriously because weed get's you high, and that would also encourage drug dealeers wouldn't it ?

    And weed is usually the reason when people skip class and everything.

    Smokes, are different than weed when you think about it that way..

  29. They should not have the same rights as tobacco smokers. They should have the same rights as alcohol consumers. The legal age should be 21 and the same laws should be in place as far as operating a motor vehicle. I do not smoke weed but I don't have a problem with people that use it responsibly. As long as a person can stay productive and not use during work hours or school hours or when user would be putting others at risk as in operating a vehicle. The tax on marijuana would bring our economy out of this recession and set a lot of people in prison free who do not deserve to be there. Google legalize marijuana petition and help or find other ways to stop this ridiculous law. There are too many people in prison who's only crime is growing marijuana George Washington grew marijuana so did almost every other early president. There do need to be regulations but the laws have gotten out of control to the extent comparatively of socialism. People need to stop being so passive about whatt is happening there are many other laws that are unecessary and unconstitutional and if citizens would have stood up and voted against these laws they would not be in place. Look at the patriot act.

  30. The thing about alcohol is that it can be taken in moderation. Any amount of weed or smoke has disastrous effects on the body and easily cause dependency. Smoking influences those around you and cannot be kept within a personal zone (i.e. secondhand smoke). Everybody knows this, but some are not smart enough to accept this. Simply put, any amount of weed is definitely more dangerous and not as fun as drinking in moderation. Smoking corrupts your body and does nothing for you. Social drinking can remove barriers and enhance your social experience (again if done in moderation). There is no reason why weed should be legalized.

  31. Yes, and taxed, and controlled like alcohol.

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