
Should white people have affirmative action in sports?

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If white people dont get into the 100m sprint should we lower the level to get them in, to make the numbers up?




  1. Ummmmm....No.

  2. I think some white people fail to realize that Affirmative Action is not just a black/white thing (no pun intended). All women are a part of affirmative action (which really makes me laugh when women express their views against it) and same with Jewish people, and any other minority.

    Also, it varies from state to state. Like in Michigan, AA was outlawed, so it annoys me to hear "Oh yeah, he just got into so-and-so college because he's black."

  3. sure/ while were at it lets lower the requirements for, hockey, water polo, and gymnastics, tennis, cling an jerk, shot put, pin pong, badmitton, swimming, and oh lets not forget rowing you know so black and hispanics would be able to qualify

  4. Yes they should. I'm white and I live in California and experience racism all the time from Mexican-Americans. Its not fair...

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