
Should whites be allowed to say the N-Word?

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Or should anyone for that matter? Do you think Racism is over? I think it is, seeing so many whites voting for Obama.




  1. I think its ignorant for anyone to say that. Of course if you say it to someone who isnt black it wouldnt pack as much a punch because of where it came from...but the meaning suxs for anyone who says it to someone.  

  2. I think the whole idea of the N word being such a big deal is stupid. It just brings attention to the problem by banning a word. It's seems funny to me if I am called " Cracker or Honky " I just consider the source and laugh it off. So should the "N" people. By the way, I am white and voting for Obama, not because he is in the " N " word group, just because he is the best candidate.

  3. yes.

    as long as it is not directed at a black person in a hate way

  4. The past 3 years I've been running track in school as a sprinter, one of the only white sprinters on the team. One day when out just doing some jogging before practice one of my black friends said that because I was the coolest white person he knew I was allowed to say it...I don't though.

    He said I could wear a confederate flag to school and he wouldn't get mad. According to him, it's when white people act scared of him that gets him madder than anything else.

  5. Personally, I don't believe anyone should use this word. I don't even use it and I'm half black. I just don't understand why it's used so frequently when it was first an extremely harsh term. Why would black people want to say it to each other when it was used as total disrespect? No, I don't think anyone should use it.

  6. LOL this  question again....if you know that a word was used to offend a certain racial group why would you want to say it anyway...there are tons of words to describe hispanics, jews, and arabs..that i know are offensive to them but i wont let that word come out of my mouth because i know what it means to them......secondly most ppl use the justification that if they say it so can I...but you are not them..for example if your bosses name is william thomas....his friends call him billy...but you dont have that right and you dont know him like its best to just call him Mr.Thomas........No i dont think racism is over if it were we wouldnt be arguing over a past racial slur....

  7. You made up the N-Word so I guess you can say it. Just don't get mad when you get f*cked up!

  8. nobody should say the n word no matter what race.

    and racism is never going to be over every race has plenty of racists. it just died down in america.

  9. If blacks are able to say it then yes- after all if we are all the same shouldn't we be able to say the same things?

  10. no one should say the n word

  11. No-one should use the N-word. What purpose is served by calling someone the N-word?

    Racism is definitely not over. Racism exist in all societies, but to different degrees.

  12. Allowed? We all have freedom of speech, not just certain ethnic groups. Where would be the justification of just whites " Not allowed " to say anything.

  13. My boss, who is white, says it all the time. Whenever i ask him his favorite brand if juice, he says "Nantucket!"...That was the N-word you were talking about, right?  

  14. no, but trying to stop people from saying it just brings more attention

  15. Whites shouldn't be allowed to say the N word. Actually I believe no one should say that word. Racism is not over it will always be here.

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