
Should who ever is elected president have a review of the new powers our last president invented?

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because if the next president doesn't do it , it will become a implied power , with no checks or balances




  1. The new one could revoke the unconstitutional orders and signing memos but should go further and ask the S Ct to rule that they were unconstitutional so it isn't tried again.

  2. do you honestly think those powers will ever be rescinded????

    they are to control the sheep ......not for one man....

    we are in big trouble

  3. That's a good question that few people will care about.

    My guess is that most US leaders agree it was an exception, and that the next President will not continue to stretch (abuse?) the boundaries.

  4. G W Bush has become Dictator Bush and if Mccain wins we all will be taught to say Heil Mccain  But if Obama wins he will review the laws passed by Bush and amend many of them

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