
Should/will Roy Jones Jnr fight the winner of Calzaghe/Hopkins.?

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Should/will Roy Jones Jnr fight the winner of Calzaghe/Hopkins.?




  1. i think Roy Jones JR should retire!!

  2. roy jones has said to setanta sports that he wants to fight joe calzaghe win or loose although he thinks cal will win i have great respect on the way roy jones carries himself inside and out of the ring his record speaks for itself and im british but i think roy jones desrves a spot in the hall of fame

  3. If the word SHOULD is to be used, then it SHOULD be used for a real contender (like someone in the top five).

    If the word WILL is to used instead, then yeah. . . .Roy probably WILL be the one the winner will WANT to fight.  

    If Calzaghe wins, though, Roy will probably end up fighting Bernard, since Bernard will need a strong win against a "name" like Roy to exit his career on.  

    Which fight do I want to see.  I'd love to see Roy knock out either of these two. . . but I'd also like my beloved Chicago Cubs to win the World Series!

  4. I would love to see either, but I would also hope it would be the last of those matchups.  Roy WILL beat either if the fights go off, and as he is my favorite athlete of all-time, I always want to see him whip on two guys his detractors point to.

    That said, I hope either one is his last fight, and ditto if the fight is against Hopkins.  These types of fights are going to sink boxing - promoters need to stop trying to make easy money on these older names.  Look at the next super-fight, Mayweather v. De la Hoya, the only reason the fight is made is because it sold the first time (and it probably turned off some potential new fans).  

    Boxing need an overhaul of the rankings, approach to young fighters, and promotions - and it needs to start at the top, with how "superfights" are established and sold....UFC sold out their saturday night card in LESS THAN 2 HOURS, for the rematch of a fight that lasted LESS THAN 2 MIN the first time, and not one guy on the whole card has an undefeated record.  Hopkins and Calzaghe still haven't sold out their arena and I'm certain that at least one undercard of their's is a showcase for some guy who is 13-0 vs. a guy who took the fight on 10 days notice and is 29-16 having been KOd in his last 8 fights.

    I don't mind the matchup of B-Hop and Calzaghe itself, but it should be on the undercard of a Cotto-Margarito type fight, not one of the "gems" of boxing yearly schedule.

    Wrestling is a sport (not WWF wrestling), kickboxing is a sport, boxing is a sport - and they are all "shows" or events, like a basketball game, or anything else; just because we might not prefer the way they fight doesn't make it informed to just say its not a sport.  Its obviously grabbing enough middle of the road fans of boxing to the point where they're not at all afraid to put a $40.00 PPV against a HBO fight.  Miguel Cotto sells out fast, De la Hoya sells out fast, boxing needs to focus much more on creating fights (not just fighters) who sell out fast - what promoters did here was try and sell Calzaghe's undefeated record and Bernard Hopkins name....and aside from hardcore fans, not a lot of people are willing to "buy" that anymore when they see, not only comparable alternatives, what boxing can produce (Pavlik v. Taylor 2, Pac v. JMM 2, Kastidas v. Casamayor, Hatton v. Mayweather, Mosely v. Cotto, or any of the other great fights we've had recently by guys who are still capable of putting on great fights).

    And I'm not saying it should be run like the UFC, but they definately do focus more on the possiblity of the main event being a let down than boxing does - and focus more on evaluating the way a fighter performs as opposed to their statistics (thats not universal in boxing but way too prevelant) when trying to make the best fights possible.

  5. I would say that it is a definite that Joe will fight Jones Jr in the Summer after beating Hopkins by a wide margin points decision tomorrow.

  6. i say jones should fight the winner of the bout tomorrow cuz it can bring him challenge cuz if hopkins wins there can be a hopkins and jones 2 and i dont mind seeing that but if calzaghe wins roy can fillanly show that he is the best by beating him

  7. id rather see the winner fight pavlick

  8. well 1st off can't wait for Saturday night as this is the fight I've been waiting for since it was announced, and it's going to be very tasty indeed.

    mmmm Roy Jones vs the winner? yeah that sounds good to me.

  9. Hopkins cant beat Jones so If Hopkins wins tomorrow night as I think he will by mid late round stoppage then he wont fight Jones.

    And if Calzaghe wins and looks good against Hopkins then Jones probably wont take the fight.

    Hopkins has priced himself out of a rematch with Jones since their first fight.

    Hopkins does not do well against faster slick boxer punchers, its like kryptonite for him. He only fought Taylor because Taylor was the mandatory challenger.

    Hopkins might fight Jones though in his retirement fight, But the money would have to be huge. And I just don't see a Hopkins-Jones 2 bringing enough money to the table.

    The first fight was a snoozer when they were both in their Primes, Imagine what to two 40year old + Hopkins and Jones will be like. Jones beat him easily with a broken hand the first time, I have no real interest to see them fight again anyways.

    Hopkins TKO 7 over Calzaghe

    Id like to see Calzaghe win tomorrow night so a Jones fight would be possible, but I think Joe is tailor made for Hopkins.

    Hopkins is not easy to hit cleanly and hes a good counter puncher. I think over the long haul Hopkins will have landed more cleaner punchers witch will ware on Joe till he goes down or his corner stops the fight between rounds. And if not i think the judges will like the cleaner punches of Hopkins over the volume of punches of Calzaghe.

    If it goes to the score cards 116-112 Hopkins.

    And to the post above about the ticket sales, why do people continue to compare a Sport like boxing to a Show like UFC.

    UFC hosts mixed martial arts fighting, UFC is not a sport, its a television show that has PPV's allot like wrestling. Kickboxing, Nin JitSu, grappling ext ext are sports. UFC is not a sport! lets just get that strait before you start comparing it to boxing.

    UFC gives a guy like Sera a shot at the title without making him even earn it. Thats not a ranking system bud sorry to tell ya, that’s Dana White picking fights.

    WWE events sell out quick too because they are entertainment, one just does fake wrestling while the UFC does real wrestling... UFC is what WWE would be if WWE had real fighting.

    DeLaHoya-Mayweather sold in like 30 minuites or something crazy like that. Mayweather made 20 million dollars for one fight. All the top UFC fighters together wont make that in their careers.

    Yea Boxing needs some reform, but not like the UFC show.

    Manfredo held a title before and yes he was ranked.

  10. YES HE SHOULD. Then Joe can beat two has beens into their long overdue retirement.

  11. I would love to see it. It would either a loooong overdue rematch between Jones and Hopkins or it would be an overdue matchup that I've been waiting for over five years between Jones and Calzaghe. Either way, the difference in each man's style would be interesting to see.

  12. Roy Jones is the only fight left out there for calzaghe apart from maybe tarver

    i think win or lose Hopkins should retire

    but what is that idiot Rudiger on about:

    you say the ufc ain't a sport.(bullshit)

    boxing has ppv's just like the ufc has.

    you say Matt Serra never earned the right to fight for the title. he is a ufc legend and also won the ultimate fighter which has proved hugely successful(Forrest Griffin,josh kosheck,Chris leban,Diego Sanchez)

    what about the contender. remember a guy called peter manfredo who was just thrown in against calzaghe(buy who i dont know. he didn't even throw a punch. did he come up through the rankings(I DONT THINK SO). so when you talk about just picking fights look no further than boxing


    you say manfredo held a title hasnt everyone in boxing theres so many why dont they just have one for every weight.

  13. I hope so and then Calzaghe will have beaten both African Americans. If you think this is a racist comment then what about "never gonna lose to a white boy". Good for the goose, good for the gander.

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