
Should woman choose to abort a new born child if they have Muscular Dystrophy or Down Syndrome?

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Im doing a science assingment and would like to know weather the foetus should be aborted or not? The Problem being if the baby has Down Syndrome or Muscular Dystrophy? Why/Why not? What problems are followed?




  1. no.  someone with a disability is still human.

  2. I didn't choose to abort my son when I found out he had DS through an amniocentesis (this is the only test besides a CVS that can determine if a baby would have down syndrome with 100% certainty because it looks at the actual chromosomes of the baby and has nothing to do with the mother, her blood, or her chromosomes).  My son is now 4 1/2 yrs old and will be going into junior kindergarten this fall.  What everyone fails to tell people is that down syndrome has many levels of severity and each individual is different. my son is an active little boy who loves to play and climb on everything....he understands everything I tell him and he is like most 4 yr olds...except for one thing...speech, that is where his delay comes in. so from early on he has been taught sign language to compensate for that delay and still be able to communicate with us.  I have met other children with DS who are unable to walk, but have the vocabulary of any "typical" child and can talk your ear and yet there are others that are very delayed in all you see each child is different and there is no way of knowing what their capabilities are until they are much older. as for medical conditions...shoot you can go onto any website for information about down syndrome and they will tell you a whole list of stuff....but the thing is not every child born with down syndrome will have all or even some of these conditions  it varies from individual to to abort a child who may or may not have problems is like saying I don't want you because you are a boy or maybe you have brown eyes and I wanted blue....Adolf Hitler tried many years ago to have the ''perfect race'' didn't work.

    my son is not defined by what he has, he is defined by who he son. if you have any specific questions you want answered please feel free to email me!  good luck on your assignment.

  3. nope, that is against one of God's commandments

    "Thou shall not kill"


  4. Hitler went through and killed all those who were disabled. They weren't good enough to be apart of his 'Perfect Race.' It sounds very n**i-esque to abort all those who are disabled when that comes to mind, doesn't it?

    Here's another question: say your ten-year-old is in the back seat of a car that gets into an accident, and they wind up a quadriplegic for the rest of their life. Do you love them any less now? They're the same kid, just disabled.

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