
Should women be allowed to drive by themselves after dark?

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Should women be allowed to drive by themselves after dark?




  1. of course! how sexiest can you possibly be?!

  2. If the car is a Ford, then h**l no!

  3. Yes. I often do. My car has locks and I lock them.

  4. Is this a joke question?  If it's real then of course women should be able to drive by themselves after dark.  We do live in a country where women are equal to men.  

  5. what are you referring too? danger to the woman driver at night (at dark)?or the danger of having a woman drive after dark? either or woman, it's the drivers provocative to get where they're going safely...

  6. WoW, that's what concealed weapon's permits are for honey!

  7. yes of course, and why wouldn't they?

  8. Should men be allowed to think for themselves?

  9. why

    do women dont see after dark?

  10. why not?

  11. Should sexist men be allowed to ask sexist questions?


  12. Same as you should be allowed to post ridiculous questions like this here...if you revoke women's right to drive after dark, the men's should go also. Sure would cut down on noise and traffic, wouldn't it? LOL!

  13. Should men be allowed to ask such ignorant questions?

  14. what country are you from? In America, they can drive anytime they want.

  15. if they just got their license then no, no one can

    but otherwise its no different than a guy driving

  16. Yes. But only to the grocery store. Or to the gas station so her man will have a full tank for the next day.

  17. Hmmm why not?

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