
Should women be allowed to leave the laundry undone?

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Should women be allowed to leave the laundry undone?




  1. we are allowed to leave it undone, but if we don't do it, no one else will!!  

  2. Absolutely yes.  

  3. Really its a two person job one to put it in the machine and then in the dryer the other to fold it and put it away, thats the way we do it.

  4. Are you seriously asking this question???  Sure they should...if the man doesn't like it he should do it himself.

  5. undone until when?

    Doing laundry is not the whole world. Work it out with your spouse. Take turns. Leaving it until you have time should not be a problem if you have lots of clothes that is.

  6. Heck yes. There is more to life than laundry.

  7. Better yet should men be allowed to leave the laundry undone???? Men are just as capable of doing the laundry.

  8. ALLOWED?!?!?!  Yes, and they're ALLOWED to walk out on dopes who don't ALLOW them to!

  9. I am anal. I like my laundry done.  

  10. What do you care if she washes her own clothes or let's her dirty laundry pile up? You have clean clothes to wear, because you did your laundry and you don't have to depend on someone to do all your dirty work for you.... or maybe you are helpless and do.

    Guess what bud! This isn't the early 20th century, it's the 21st century. It's time to stop depending on a woman to do all those dirty jobs you hate, don't want to do, and think you have the right to dump on some woman.

    I've been an adult for more years then I want to admit, but I can tell you first marriage I was a stay at home mom. My husband put in his 40 hours a week on the job and he believed his pay check was all he had to give to the marriage and everything else was my responsibility. All the housework, cooking, taking care of the kids and doing everyone's laundry, including his. My second marriage, I worked full time and still did everything else, plus his laundry.

    If the only thing you have to offer the woman in your relationship is a pay check and s*x, then you are going to end up like my 2 ex-husbands.

    Not once in my entire adult life has anyone EVER washed my clothes for me, picked up my messes or waited on me. If I can do it all, then why would I or any woman need a lazy man who can't even wash his own dirty clothes. Times have changed and I advise you to grow up and learn to do your own dirty work and stop treating the woman in your life, like a free live in maid.

  11. absolutely not

    unless they work and pay a maid to do their job

  12. women and men are equally responsible for the housework

  13. Allowed? Allowed by whom? The Sheriff? The King? GOD? I'm surprised the women on here didnt rip you a new one. lol

  14. Absolutely...especially YOUR laundry.


  15. Well hello! I'd say if a man can do it why can't a woman???

  16. Only if her reason is 'cuz she was buns-up and kneelin'

  17. I don't leave MY laundry undone.  As long as my husband puts his laundry in the hamper, it gets done too, but I don't pick it up off the floor.

    Should men be allowed to be slobs?

  18. TELL me you're joking!!  


    Where the f*** are you from?!

    You'd better get a clue, dude.

  19. It would be nice if the man would offer to help with a load once in a blue moon:]

  20. ....allowed? Yea, like someone is going to enforce THAT law.

    "Any woman that doesnt do the laundry shall be killed"

    .......makes perfect sense to me.

  21. lmao.  unless she is the one dirtying all of the clothes in the house, and leaving them all over the place.

    seriously tho- women are not ALLOWED to do anything.  we do as we please

  22. You betcha!  I'm a divorced mom with two kids and I can do or not do whatever I please with regard to laundry.  Thank God I don't have to worry about some chauvenist pig thinking about what I should and shouldn't be "allowed" to do.

  23. Not without a spanking

  24. Sure, when there is an able bodied man there who could do it himself.  If you don't like how someone else does something, do it yourself.

  25. we pay someone to do ours. my husband irons things before he puts them on, if i ironed them he would be mad cause he hates people messing with his ironing.

  26. Not as long as men forget to put the toilet seat down  :p

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