
Should women be allowed to ride the bus alone?

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Or do they need a male companion to protect them?




  1. lol its 2008 not 1864

  2. women ride the bus alone all the time

  3. I'm sorry, did we go back in time?  Women can do anything men can do, and some can pee standing up.

  4. I know men who could use a female "companion to protect them."

    Don't know where your from are women different there? Men have just as much chance of being attacked here in America as women. in some places more. s*x does not define strength, or ability.

  5. That's a tough one..they should ALWAYS have a shotgun with them. Then, they can "off" the male companion and ride the bus alone with no problem.

  6. Only if their men say it's okay.... DUH....What are you thinking?

    A woman can do whatever she wants, she know the risk involved in doing things such as riding alone at night, and she wants to take that risk, then thats her choice, NOT YOURS or anyone elses.

  7. Women should do whatever the h**l the want. but at certain times, I wouldn't suggest it. I'm a guy, but even I wouldn't want to be on a bus late at night.

  8. Women should and are allowed to ride the bus alone.  This is 2008.  Women have all the same rights as men, and buses are meant for everyone anyway.

    In some cases it would be wise for a woman to have a companion come along with them on a bus ride.  They don't necessarily need to be male.

  9. Of course women should be allowed to ride the bus alone! It is a choice to ride with a male companion if they feel unsafe, but I doubt you would ever be able to stop a woman from riding alone if she wants to.

  10. If it's on a dangerous bus route or one that has a less wealthy looking crowd, then yes.

    Otherwise, no.

  11. ALLOWED!?!  Allowed by whom?  The woman should make her own reasonable decision.  If it is unsafe, of course she should have someone with her,but not necessarily a male!

  12. I think the problem might be once they get OFF the bus. I know that in many cities, if you feel you are in danger, etc. you can flag a bus and they will stop & let you in for protection. At least in Houston anyway...

    Insisting that women should be accompanied on bus rides would only snowball into a ridiculous topic. Should they have escorts to: the store, between classes, on the ride to work, on a plane, in a taxi... bad things happen (I'm assuming your question stems from this) but in reality, having a man follow you around all day would drive most of us MAD!!!

  13. if you feel that your woman needs protection then yes,BUT, it's 2008, and women in general know how to protect themselves, or can easily learn!

  14. I don't like the word "ALLOWED". Who are we to tell women that they can't ride the bus alone. They have minds of there own and it should be left up to the women to make up their own minds.

  15. What? And spoil my daily groping? Down with male bus companions!

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