
Should women be allowed to vote? Why is it so important in today`s issues?

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Should women be allowed to vote? Why is it so important in today`s issues?




  1. this is a dum question really man..i should ask you....are you an idiot?

  2. Let's examine this question in terms of taxation without representation.  Do you think women should give up the right to vote and be excused from paying taxes?

    I think my question is as silly as yours.

  3. heyo, wat d bloody h**l is this question about??

  4. Just try and stop them.

  5. uum are you slow...yeh u are my bad, didn't you see Tropic Thunder Never and I mean Never go full r****d...I'm sorry you didn't get the memo before you went full Tard.

  6. yes of course women should vote. Women and men are equals and so should have the same rights. Women work and input as much into society and the community as men and deserve to have a say in what happens in this country and in who runs it.

  7. Do you believe in Sharia Law or something!  They're people American citizens!!!  DUUUHHHHHH!!!

  8. Should men vote?

    Got your answer

  9. When the Constitution was written, by men who owned slaves, women were not allowed to vote.  

    Freed slaves were given the vote in 1875, but women still could not vote.

    It was not until 1920 that women across the United States were allowed to vote. Though they usually were told who to vote for by their husbands.

    Women today, make their choices on their own and hopefully marry men who agree with their choices.

    Unlike Palin, women are generally more liberal and tend to be pro-choice.  Women voters also outnumber male voters.

  10. relax you pms'ing Beetchs .... this is a serious question n you women are taking it like its offensive or something or what this question implys is false

    "gee golly he said why is it so important teehehe" what an idiot, like omg...its like the 21st centrey pshhhh what a r****d""

    relax it wasnt until recently you women got to vote and IN FACT its still a problem in the world today ....  just cause you live your americanized life style doesnt mean everyone in the world shares the same....

    on that note im glad i live in a countrey that lets women vote... but you women need to chill out..... 60 years ago in Canada (the greatest country in the world) let hubands beat their wives with sticks .... cool  

  11. Nope. We'll just s***w things up.

    Um HELLO


  12. I'm sorry, what are you trying to imply here? Why shouldn't women be allowed to vote?

  13. YES!!!!!!!

  14. Hey Dor......k.  that is a stupid couple of questions.  I'll take the 2 points.

  15. ummm, dude... 21st century here, that was a topic for discussion hmmm, bout 90-somethin years ago

    get with the program


  16. You mean women can vote?

    Where am I going and why am in this handbasket?

  17. because we have rights

  18. Well I dont know about you ( well maybe I do judging from the question ) but ive always liked smart women.. women who challenge me mentally, women who have an opinion... sometimes they keep us guys honest.

    And as a nation and a world we should have that.

  19. Should u be aloud to ask stupid questions ?

  20. roe v wade

  21. Yes! They have fought for the right just like the African Americans without the Physical  torture! There a huge part of the population. However I feel the Republicans are" EXCITED"about woman on ticket! Which is "Good" & "Change" for them!

    Obama /Biden 2008!

    Ebony & Ivory Presidency!  

  22. are you 400 years old ?

    why SHOULDN'T woman be "allowed" to vote ?!

  23. The only people who should have their right revoked are ignorant idiots like you.

  24. Yes, Women's Sufferage was a great movement in our country. It's important because we are all equal under one flag.

  25. ok which planet are you on today????

  26. You idiot.

    Laughing my head off here!

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