
Should women be allowed to work in the meat department of a supermarket?

by  |  earlier

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That is a manly department to work in.




  1. yes. why not?

  2. Of course, thats what they want, equal rights on everyhing!

  3. Do they need a p****?  Hmm nope, the job can be done regardless of what your sexual organs are so therefore they can work in there.  

    It just depends on whether they want to.

  4. I would think it best for you if they did not have a cleaver when you are around.

  5. Yes. Of course. If they can do the work it shouldn't matter what gender they are.

    Just a thought......Think about all those daughters of butchers.....what else are they suppose to do with all they knowledge they grew up with.

  6. The only place a woman shouldn't be is the mens room.

  7. Your kidding with this question, right?  You cannot be serious, heh?  This is some sort of a joke, right?

  8. Since when has cutting meat and making sandwiches become manly?

  9. I don't see why not.

    On almost every cattle ranch, there's some woman who has taken on the responsibility of castrating all the young steers.

    For some reason, the Castratrix ranks #1 in job satisfaction among women.

  10. Why not?  You work in the flower department?

  11. umm YES. why shouldnt they?

  12. Yes, no truer words were spoken.

    We all know the fascination some men have with handling sausages.

  13. I thought only men pack the meat...

  14. A meat cutter gets paid well, its not a strenuous job so why not?  I knew a girl that was a meat cutter and she did very well at it.

  15. women should be allowed to work anywhere they want to

  16. what will the men think they are fresh meat?! hahaha


    what ever pays the bills is good enough for someone who is willing to do the job

  17. OF COURSE NOT! women should stay at home barefoot in the kitchen with the baby.  What kind of century are you living in? Women can do whatever the h**l they want and they dont need to be "allowed" to do anything.

  18. If a male or female is qualified to do

    any job then so be it.

    There is no question...

    If I said "should a man be a chef?"

    Well that would be stupid

    As we well know many men can cook, and better than many women.

    Step out of the cave and join the rest of us !!

    We're having a blast !!!  :-)

  19. Should you be allowed to ask stupid questions like this anymore?

  20. considering women have been preparing animal carcasses for, oh only a few hundred thousand years, i don't really understand your point :-)

  21. There are not jobs which a women should not be allowed to do. the same apples to a man

  22. My wife used to be a meat cutter, and was very good at it. Other than being insecure and sexist what does it matter?

  23. How long did it take you to come up with this gem of originality?

  24. Oh, I'm sure they'd LOVE to cut your meat.

  25. Women do work in the meat department of my local supermarket

  26. If the know how to handle meat, then sure.

  27. Whatsamatter? Are you jealous that they are touching other sausages?

  28. Yes, women and men should work anywhere they like.

  29. I do not find any harm in that.  Even Right to equality pleads for that.

  30. Men have always said that a woman place was in the kitchen. now the kitchen have knives and meat. who would have taught!!!  So the meat department at a supermarket is petty much the same thing as seeing a woman in the kitchen.

  31. I dunno.. I don't think it matters.  All they do is take orders and wrap it up - the butcher is in the back cutting everything up and I've only seen men do that.  Relax.... the 'masculinity' factor is still well in place in the meat department.

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