
Should women be baned from driving do reduce pollution and congestion?

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Should women be baned from driving do reduce pollution and congestion?




  1. Kinda sexist, don't ya think? No, they shouldn't, and it's not like women are the only people polluting the earth and causing congestion by driving, it's everyone who drives.

  2. stupid question

  3. Well, if all the men got off the roads, there would be plenty of room for the women and reduce the pollution/congestion at the same time!

  4. A  more sensible alternative, would be to decrease the number of single-occupant cars, as they take up more space per road-user.

    This could be achieved by improved public transport,  congestion tax (like they have in London) car-pooling or a shift in one's current lifestyle to other transport alternatives.

  5. How about banning the USA population into hibernation for 20 years, that would get rid of 66% of the worlds pollution and about 90% of the worlds problems.

    (A lot of civilians in Iraq and Afghansitan would survive too)

  6. It's not women, its drivers that don't care about others. they speed, cause wrecks, etc. If you have two or more moving violations you should be banned from driving for 12 months.

  7. no. It's people like you who should be taken off the road. People who think they're good drivers, but really aren't.

  8. i think we should ban people like you from driving.  all you do is tick people off and think your ruler of the road with your road rage.

    also you can not be unfair to females do to your sexiest ways.

  9. Thats just like asking should men have there mouths sewn shut so they cant ask stupid questions like yours!

  10. NO!!!

    It's not us it could be anybody!

    You can't blame women

  11. Yes. It will reduce accidents as well.

  12. It's a good start.

  13. LOL LOL LOL! you got to be kidding!

    Ashley Force & Danica Patrick are verry mad at you.

  14. haha very funny.... get a life

  15. WTF, no its people who don't care about what their doing why are you asking anyway?

    Its not gender, religion, race, or anything else makes someone a bad driver its the drivers responsabelaty .

  16. lol is this your poor attempt at trolling?

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