
Should women have special rights in some situations?

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I don't like the feminist movement but I think when it comes to children women should be given more rights within reason.

The same with the draft, women shouldn't be sent to war unless it is volantary or there is really no other option.

can you think of anymore?




  1. dude, there is no draft.

    and even if there was, the draft only includes men.

    lay off the crack for a bit.

  2. Yeah, right, you think that women must have equality when it suits them, but when it not suit, they deserve to be treated like damsels. Moron.

  3. simple question. why?

    email me with answer to that

  4. Nature gives women so much power, that the law wisely gives them little.

    so, no, I can't think of anymore.

  5. No I disagree - we're all humans, the law should treat us all equally :-)

  6. You're being sexist. You're calling women weak by saying all this. Because of people like you, there are feminists iin the world.

  7. well, its bad enough theyll beleive a woman got raped, over a mans word. a woman has difernt levels of power than a man, but equal nonetheless.

  8. I use to work  for Wal Mart  .  They  are getting  stricker on days  off. You have  to  ask as  far ahead  as  a  month,  setting  up  childrens  apptoints  dont  work that  way. Kids  get  sick  fast.    So if  you miss work or  late or  half  day it  is  in your  file.  IF you can  prove  why you need  that  time  it should  not be  held  against  you. So unless you have  a  live  in nanny you cant  advance  with company with  too many  times  off work,   even  if  you work  over time  when  asked.  THAT  is  wrong.  *mamatx

  9. no, we need the same. we have already been through this and there was a big fight about it

  10. it is already that way and no i can not thank of any others.

  11. heck ya! Boys disrespect woman and think we're to preppy to play any rough games and then when we fight they say we're g*y!

  12. If they want to be equal then its equal accross the board.  You women fought for it so stop complaining.  If you want to consede to our superiority then you can have your little side rights.

  13. Neither s*x should have special rights over the other, that just leads to disagreement and bickering. Hasn't history taught you anything.

  14. No.They should have the exact same rights as men.No special treatment.

  15. we need more legal protection for women in violent situations, men get off to easily if they hit or hurt women, a slap on the wrist... this needs changed

    when a man can beat a woman into ICU for a month and get 15 days in prison theres something wrong...

  16. I will put it this way

    Draft = Right to vote.

    If women do not have the duty of defending the country then they should not be allowed to decide who wil take the decision of sending men to senseless wars.

    Rights of children

    Whoever has the best chance of raising the children should be the one that have the custody. that include many factors. Not just the economical one.

    Plain a simple if you have the rights you must also have the duties.

  17. Only when it comes to pregnancy. And even then, it's not because she's a woman, but because she's a pregnant person; I bet the man who got pregnant will get the same sort of privilege. And why the h**l shouldn't women be drafted?

  18. In children I think they should have more rights because it is known that they can take better care and they did make the baby in most ways, unless the mother has issues.

    But about the war I think that everyone should fight and not only send men off, I think everyone should be included both men and women to only be fair.

  19. No.  Equality for women means EQUALITY for women.  That means no special treatment, no double standards, no nothing.  Besides, women not being drafted for war is only conceding the idea that women are in fact inferior to men.  Is that REALLY what you want?

  20. h***s bells, first you want equal rights, now special rights, what the ***** next........................

  21. Depends on who the person is.

    If he or she is a ne'er do well loser who has no caring feelings accept for his or her own selfish callous needs, wants and desires who uses people, the system and drugs, alcohol, etc to get his or her fulfillement then she shouldn't have her kids in his or her care.

  22. The thing about being a dude is that it's not something you choose to be.  Given a choice, I'd like to have my own kids.  But I can't.  Nature won't let me.  And this sucks, because the legal system treats me like some kind of monster who should only see his children on special "visiting days".  I didn't choose to be a man, but I would like to have the choice to be with my children when they want to be with me.

    I agree with you on the draft, though.  Everyone thinks it's an issue of strength or something, but the real issue is this: most of the enemies of the United States are from developing third-world countries where women are viewed as objects.  Most of them have customs where when they win a battle, they rape the women of the enemy.  It's barbaric, it's cruel and it's criminal, but it's the way things work.  In both Gulf Wars, captured male soldiers were left alone, but captured female soldiers were raped repeatedly.

  23. Do you think men should have the same rights as women? Take abortion- should men and women be equal here? At the moment, it is mainly the woman who has the overall decision. But is this fair? It is the man's baby too, and they should ahve the same rights as women.

    I feel that there should be completely equal rights between men and women. Why should your life be judged on your gender? It's totally absurd- and yet we don't have equal rights. It's as if we're stuck in the dark ages.

    Do you mind explaining why men shouldn't have as many rights over their own children, as women? I don't understand why they can't be equal.

  24. Why should women have special rights to children?

    Its the man's child as much as hers.

    Lay off the pot a little maybee?

    J: Your kidding me, right? I can be jailed for 15 days just on the ACCUSATION of violence towards a woman until my case hits trial.

    And thats without me having ever laid a finger on her.

    Get your head out of the sand bro.

  25. I disagree with you on both counts.

    Equality is equality all around..not in certain situations

    Luckily..i'm in liberal california..and the courts are far from sexist when it comes to parental rights..but they do seem to be a tad more lenient on females when giving sentences

    on the draft--we're not in ww1 anymore..its not like you need to carry  250 lbs of stuff with you. if the draft is ever reinstated..i pray to goddess that its for both genders

  26. No, actually, I can't think of any situations in which women should have any special rights.  Certainly not the ones you suggest.

    As equal humans, I believe we all share the same rights, opportunities and freedoms.  All of us have unique strengths and weaknesses...and for the sake of all humanity, I believe that the strengths should be shared, and the weaknesses, compensated by others.

  27. definitely

    we should have special rights because men have way too many jobs that a women aren't allowed to do!!!

    an when women are having a baby they should be treated better!!!

    And women should treated like women because they are...

    well, because they are women!!

    no man knows how hard it is to have a baby !!!!

    no man knows how hard it is to breast feed!!!!

    and no man knows, most definitely, no man knows how to deal with men!!!!

    so yeah women should have special rights!!!!

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