
Should women work as corrections officers in prisons or corrections facilities?

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If yes, should ANY woman be able to be a Corrections Officer?

Should there be some discrimination?

If no, what are your grounds for saying that a woman shouldn't work in a jail?

The women in question would be employeed in either a co-ed prison, a men's prison, or a prison for only women. If you think there should be distinctions between the jails and a woman's employment, please comment on that as well.




  1. She can handle herself and the job; why not.

  2. Absolutely........

    I need to make a Correction.


  3. They need to  send women to women's facilities and men to the men's facilities. Those guys detained are usually not a nice guy and will rape the women guards if  they can, men guards are also at risk of being coerced into stupid "favors" by female inmates.

  4. Of course there should be SOME discrimination, (both Men AND women)  If you can't handle a situation due to strength then you should not be in this field.  These people don't carry weapons, (at least in Canada) so they have to have the physical capacity to handle a potential "bad" situation.

  5. My father is a retired Classification Manager for the Department of Corrections in N.C. and a former custody sargeant.  He could tell you that any woman is capable of handling a custody postion physically as long as she doesn't have a disability.  Corrections is designed to be team oriented anyway.  Never should anyone male or female attempt to subdue an inmate or contain a fight all by themselves.  In any emergency situation they call  (10-33) which means I need all available personell to come and assist me.  Sargeants, yard officers, lieutenants, and Captains come running to the area of danger.  So really gender does not come into play physically.  However not every woman is mentally tough enough to guard males though.  Inmates are notorious for masterbating and throwing fluids on female officers and for some that is too much.  But women who are able to overcome the headgames that inmates try to play often move up in rank and handle the job just as well as men.  Officers are trained in  Akito techniques  during their boot camps.  This enables small men and women to handle unruly inmates who normally wouldn't be able to.

    Edit-  I forgot to mention that inmates need just as much protection from C.O's as C.O.'s need from them.  Our state went to a policy called " Anticipated use of force".  Anytime there is a cell extraction of an inmate they tape it.  It has to be supervised by a Lieutenant and Sargeant.  The state had to go to  this because an altercation between C.O.'s and an inmate  usually has a 5 :1 ratio in favor of the state.  Obcourse the inmate will get bettered.  To keep officers from abusing them they legally have to record an anticipated altercation with  a high custody level inmate.

    Edit-  All that information and I didn't answer your question.

    Yes they should as long as they have a career path in mind.

    I would not be a "guard" for a living.  C.O. is mostly used as

    a stepping stone to get into programs, probation parole, Highway patrolmen, etc.

  6. Sure they should be able to.  As long as they are able to meet the same requirements as men.

  7. I believe in equal 'Means', which means that there doesn't have to be equal numbers of employees, but I do believe that if a woman can do the job just as well, then she should get the job.

    This goes for 'out of shape' men, short men, women who aren't as strong, ... everyone who can not handle the job should not do it. Perhaps MMA training would be a good start for a woman who wants to do this job(or out of shape men, smaller men, ...).

    Of course, as technology gets better at controlling rowdy crowds and individuals, this will more less of an issue.

  8. Yes.  If they want to.  I am a little uncomfortable with men working in a position of authority over women in prison, and vice versa,  They might be tempted to force sexual favors in return for cigarettes or drugs.

  9. Any woman applying for the Sheriffs dept has to do some type of work in a correctional facility, it's mandatory.

    I have seen women working in low security prisons. So I am not sure what your asking , when they already do it.

  10. I don't see any reason why a qualified female shouldn't work in a corrections facility.

    I think that as far as it is practical, female corrections officers should focus on female inmates and male corrections officers should focus on male inmates.

    Not hiring someone because they are not qualified is not discrimination at all, even if she's a woman. Nobody should have to hire an unqualified woman because they are afraid of legal recourse.

  11. No, I do not think women should work as corrections officers.

    It is the nature of the job. I envision it would be more difficult for a woman to subdue a male criminal if a situation arose where this needed to be done.

    I'm not saying all women are incapable; there are some burly ones out there that could easily challenge a man physically...but in general, they are incapable.

    Perhaps they shouldn't bar women entirely, but rather place strict physical requirements on the job.

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