
Should yahoo change this category name from "global warming" to "climate change"?

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Should yahoo change this category name from "global warming" to "climate change"?




  1. it doesn't matter what you call it, if indeed there is actual global warming. Is this just another phase in our evolution or are we in fact ruining our Earth?

  2. I would vote, "No". The debate that this category initiates is not on the changeability of the weather or the climate of the earth. Everyone knows that there are cyclic changes in weather over periods ranging from a year to approximately 100,000 years. The debate is, instead, on the issue of human-caused changes which, by the mechanism proposed by the proponents—the CO2-fed greenhouse effect, can only cause warming. There is no mechanism for the greenhouse effect to cause cooling, which is implied by the phrase “climate change”. So, it would be a misnomer and a patently false implication to rename the category “climate change”.

    I do, however, think that a change to “Anthropogenic Global Warming” would be in order for the very argument covered above.

  3. Yes!

    I think this is long overdue.  The reality is that as we boost the average global temperature there will be significant winter storms in some areas, heavy rainfall (thus cooler temps) in others, and even prolonged winters in yet other regions.

    Still, the collective impact will begin the shift towards consistent and prolonged higher temperatures.  Identifying this as Climate Change while be more accurate -- hopefully leading to a better understanding in the general public and (hopefully) a motivation to act.

  4. I think they should go with "Regional Climate Fluctuation" because thats what they now blame on SUVs.

  5. The government wants not to relinquish its control and power and approved a watered-down term: Global Warming.  You are seeing temperature extremes, not just warming.  Massive freezes-massive heat waves.  These are conditions brought upon by LESS of an atmosphere.  My proof is the Martian atmosphere which is much thinner than ours and has extreme temperature variations of over 300 degrees from day to night.

  6. no, they are interchangeable so it dose not relay matter.

  7. Are you obsessed about global warming, climate change or both? Which ever, doesn't matter. Try Google - pole shift. The potential devastation of this phenomena is far greater than greenhouse gases.

  8. Actually, I think they should, even though some believe they are interchangeable, which they are, since what happens if my hypothesis is right and we do start into a period of Global Cooling? I feel Yahoo shouldn't wait for that to happen and just change the category top "Climate Change" which would encompass "All" possibilities.

  9. Hey,I already asked that last week! Yes ,it should be re-named. Calling what's happening"global warming",is like calling a car accident just a "lane deviation"!

  10. it really doesnt matter. global warming leads to climatic change.

  11. Odd, this category is called climate change in my country.... whatever.

  12. Why not.  Since the climate always changes, there is no such thing as a static climate, believers can prove man causes any change in the weather.

    You could scare millions more into believing your cause then.

  13. probaly not

  14. 'the comics' or funnies would make more sence.

  15. yes

  16. Yes, global warming is miss leading, when climate change would be more appropriate, since certain places in the world will actually cool down!!

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