
Should you BEWARE this poem?

by Guest34011  |  earlier

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By Semper Fi Reborn

They walk among you

Unnoticed by human eyes

Male and female

Their guise impeccable

They have powers over simple things

They are the offspring of Adam and Eve

Yet with muse thy win battles

Pen and paper

Weapons at their disposal

Armaments of their desire to create

A world of words

True meanings

Scribbled in sweat and tears

Submerged in emotion

Baptized by blood

Awe inspired and awe inspiring

They are called by a name

That reveals no leads to their power

They are called





  1. hyperbole ...yup... outrageous ingenious hyperbole.

  2. So Poet....what's next?  You know your mind will not let you rest!  I like this offering. My compliments.

  3. How beautiful is this poetry to the ears of the poets out there!The copious compliment of these words will touch the heart of many poets, as it has touched mine! Amazing tribute to all poets, thank you!!  Cheers!!  

  4. This is a goodie!  Is that a typo in L.7?  Spell chick does not understand

    spoken language, I am doing this alls the time.  See?  

  5. There was 1 word that came to my head, to perfectly describe this poem, and guess what?

    My son interrupted me and there you go, the word was gone. It flew right out of my head! I`m very upset, but unless the word comes back to me, then we'll just have to settle for it`s substitute.

    PASSIONATE I felt your passion in this poem. It is very important to draw the reader`s attention, and you did, so I will say INTRIGUING.

    I loved it! Thanks for the tribute to us poets.

    Now somebody go get the wine. lol Just kidding, I don`t drink.

  6. this may depress certain kinds of people but it makes me and most likely other poets ponder what lies beyond the words

  7. They are everywhere, some don not even realize their dormant abilities. Good to see you.

  8. We should rip off the masks, join hands, and fight together with our heartfelt words. Words can change the world...yours are already making a difference for many of us.


  10. It's great, Semper, as always!        

  11. About this time each day, I feel exactly as you describe in your fine poem. Poetry, as you so elegantly illustrate, takes work, time, experience, courage and yes, battle. With a language containing millions of words, how to choose the appropriate, most powerful one of them to fit exactly into the scheme of the poem? Once it becomes easy, though, the fun dies along with the poem.

  12. Once've won my heart.  If I could have been in the Wizard of Oz I would have wished to have been a Poet.  I have no poetry skills, that is why I so enjoy yours and several others on here.  Your words flow across the paper and transport me to happy times.


    Peace & Love  :)

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