
Should you accept the fact that your Youth Pastor won't always be right about issues of the lord?

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I am really struggling with this. My youth pastor has been with us for about three years now, and the things he says seems sometimes a bit crazy.

My BF says we must just believe in him, because he is inspired by God. I am starting to think he doesnt have all the knowledge because he is very judgmental and gets aggresive

He is very much into spreading the gospel and it sometimes feel that we are forced to hit the streets to preach to people. I feel unfomfortable with him sometimes. We also can not argue with him, because he says it is God's way.

My BF is friends with him, so I dont know what to do.




  1. No you should not accept everything a youth pastor; priest; minister, or pastor says just because of there position within the church.

    Remember these two things:

    1} What ever is said, must stand up against God's Word.

    2} This youth pastors attitude sounds odd to say the least, and this, in the past, is just how 'cults' started.

    One should be able to go to there minister and at the very least discus issues one is not sure about, and too do so without fear, but in the spirit of Christian love.

  2. I can 100% tell you he isnt inspired of God, if that makes you feel better.  

    No one inspired of God says do what I say because its God's way.  Thats what serial killers and rapists say.  People who are really inspired of God would ask you to go and pray about what they had told you.  If it was truly Gods will, he would manifest the truth of it to you through the holy ghost.  Read James 1:5-7 and then tell your pastor to get over himself.

  3. Wow, even the pope doesn't think he knows everything (he consults with other scholars and has all his books proof-read and double-checked and triple-checked for theological missteps). Your youth pastor sounds like he's a little nutty with power.

    I'd be uncomfortable too.

    Look, the guy is only human. He might be right 99% of the time, but he's not going to be right 100% of the time. He's going to slip up from time to time. The Bible says you are supposed to test EVERYTHING according to Scripture, not just follow like a mindless robot. You and your boyfriend ought to use your youth pastor's sermons as an occasion to pray together and study Scripture together.  

  4. You should pray that God will give you wisdom and him also. Some times pastors can get into there own beliefs and forget that they must stay in Gods word and let people pray about things and let God open there eyes. We need to do this for them also.

  5. The BIBLE is inspired of God.

    A person is only inspired of God if they ACCURATELY tell you what the Bible says.  

    So read your Bible, and don't believe everything your youth pastor says.  The Bible itself says to TEST ALL TEACHERS.  Test you youth pastor against what the Bible says.  Your youth pastor might indeed be wrong on some things.

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