
Should you always bring your books with you to you classes in college?

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I started today and brought them all (ow, heavy), but being as it was the first day, it was mostly introductions, etc. I would loveee to not carry around all my books again, any ideas if I should or not? I dont want to show up and not have it and seem rude. In particular, should I bring my math book to class (its the heaviest lol). Will we be working straight out of it in class? Sorry if this all sounds dumb, I'm still trying to figure out the college world. Thanks!!!




  1. in the first week or so of class you'll get a feel for the instructors teaching style. some use the book a lot, while others don't at all.

    in about 95% of my experience we never used our books in class unless it was like a discussion section or we were warned ahead of time that we would need them, or when you realize the teaching style and become aware that the book is an integral part of class (one class i had we worked on the computers everyday and had books that went along with the program so we used the books everyday)

  2. Math classes -- yes, you should bring it.  This is one of the few classes where I would recommend taking your book.  The reason is that you or other students will be going over homework problems throughout the class.  That's really how a college level math class operates -- half the class is devoted to answering questions that you don't know to do, or don't know how to do effectively.  That is how you learn best in a math class, when you do the problems yourself first.  So if you don't have your book, you will be lost to what's going on.

    Most other classes don't need the book with you but you can ask your prof to be sure.

  3. I agree with the person who said carry them until youre sure you dont need them.

    But for the most part... if youre going to a large lecture, you really dont need to bring you books usually. you'll know by the second or third lecture. also, dont bring books that you think are being used to give you work from them. bring ones that are more theory based rather than practice based.

    remember, every class is different. If youre going to a small discussion or lab, then definitely bring your book unless its clear after a while that you wont be needing them.

  4. I never brang books to any classes and it wasnt a problem. Same at university.

  5. I think it is best to start out over-prepared.  As you learn more about the expectations in each class, you will know which books you can leave and when.  Some classes don't even really address the book at all!

  6. It honestly depends on your instructor. Most will not tell you one way or another but you will get a feel for their expectation as you continue with the courses. Some will require you to bring the current text to every class as they will be refereencing them often. Other instuctors, usually the lecuring sort, will almost never reference the texts in class.

    Math instructors tend to require the text as they make references to specific equations, formulas and other item in the texts.

    As a general, but very loose, rule the more strict. traditional, and professional the teacher, the more likely that you are going to need the text. There are many exceptions so if you are unsure, consult the professor. If they are anything like mine, they will be sympathetic to the load we are expected to carry on our backs.

  7. carry them til your sure you will not need em!

    ask fellow students

  8. You should bring your book with you every day unless your teacher specifies that it is not needed or if he designates certain days to bring it.  If your teacher didn't mention it ask a classmate what he/she thinks. Good luck

  9. You can either get them on disk and bring them on laptop if your professor allows, put them in your car as you can depending on your schedule, or you can find a locker usually somewhere on campus and bring them like you used to do back in the day. Either way, YES... you bring your materials.

    R....... B........ Phd. (Hon.)

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