
Should you be able to stand wherever you want at an outdoor concert?

by  |  earlier

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i was at an outdoor concert at the fair the other day and there were no reserved seats, you just stood there and watched. well my friend wanted a better view of the stage so we moved in closer. there were a ton of people there, but we managed to get through. well im not there for 30 seconds when this heavyset man turns to me and says "i recommend you move your *** over, because the girl behind you can't see." then went on to threaten me physically. well im 17 and i know full well if he layed a hand on me he would be arrested on the spot, and i really didnt mean to stand in her way and i moved immediately, it was just the way everyone was there, very crowded. Perhaps i'm wrong, but for a show like that anyone can stand anywhere right? Why should I be punished if i'm taller then her. she was not even 5" and i'm about average height. do you think i should have put that man in his place?




  1. Yes you should that guy was out of line. It would have been polite to step out of her way bt it was not his place to say so. Had you tried to fight him though you both would have gotten kicked out.

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