
Should you be comparing George Bush to Obama instead of McCain?

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I know that they stand on many same issues, Bush and McCain. But please, listen.

What's the thing Bush was most judged on? Mostly judged, and sometimes by some people, ONLY judged on.

The war!

In 2000, Bush was having problems with voters, because he didn't have any experience on foreign affairs and war. What did he do? Politics people, he got a VP? Sounding familier? He was faced on a VERY hard decision, decisions all presidents have to decide.

He got the most horrible record for it. Well, Obama and Bush are the same history in this subject! It's like reliving it, but people just don't see it.

I'm not bashing either of them. I'm just saying, doesn't anyone else see this?




  1. Nope.

    John bent over 95% of the time for President bush.

    Obama did not.

  2. I'm going with no on this one.  This is the Rush Limbaugh argument.  If you want to start comparing Bush, and Obama you will lose every time.  

  3. There is a lot of blind people in this election year, more so than any I know of.

  4. Was it Bush's inexperience that caused him to deploy our troops after 9/11? I'm curious, exactly what is foreign affair experience? How do you determine that experience? Diplomacy? Obama has that. (Bush is a bully, diplomacy to him is waving a bigger gun) Foreign diplomacy experience?  Obama has taken the abuse of the other candidates and the media, and the american public and is still not fighting back with the same gutter tactics. He has diplomacy, he has experienced many other cultures. Is it connections? Is it recorded avoidance of wars?(who has that?)

    I think it is accepting the cultural differences among nations, and working with those differences. I believe Obama has the experience and the ability.

  5. Bush had three years experience as a governor

    Obama has three years experience as a senator.

    Bush increased the size of the government considerably.

    Obama promises to do the same.

    Both have very poor records in who they pick for friends, advisors & assoiciates.

    Yes, there are valid comparisons.;...

  6. with the pledge to Israel ,I'm starting to see more insanity but not with Obama.

  7. True, but your comparision is like saying "Hitler got to lead Germany through legal means" and "President Bush got to lead through legal means", therefore, Pres. Bush is like Hitler.

  8. The problem is that comparing history allows revisionism to occur.  If we could ensure the facts were adhered to, then the comparison would be accurate.  Around here, facts are cast aside in favor of opinions.  That leaves the discussion at the food fight category.  I for one think the comparison only works to a point.  Cheney and Biden are different in more ways than not, and Obama and Bush are different in many ways as well.

  9. I see where you're going. But I believe it's a stretch.

    I think Bush selected Cheney because he had experience in his dad's administration and his dad thinks highly of him.

    I think Obama chose Biden to give him more clout on the foreign policy stage.  I think Obama knows he is very inexperienced in that area.  Smart move on his part.  

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