
Should you break your wrists when chipping a golf ball?

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someone told me your not supposed 2, i play with a cleveland CG dsg12 wedge! HELP!




  1. YOU should do what is comfortable for YOU. Everyone is different, I almost always break my wrist, even pitching with a 7 iron. it's not about how you get there, it's about where it ends up. Practice on a chipping green thinking not about your swing, but just getting the ball close to the hole, your body will tell you if it wants your wrists broken or not.  

  2. No you should use both arms as if they were one. By doing this you are less likely to double hit the golf ball. You will also find it easier to use once you get use to it. You can bend your elbows but once you are done with bending your elbows you should leave it be and swing the arms as one complete arm. Hope this helps :-)

  3. Depends on the shot.  A short chip from around the green with no interference lends itself to more of a putting swing, with no wrist break.  But if you have to generate some height and have it land soft, or a farther shot, you will have to break your wrists to generate the downward angle needed to generate the height and spin.  Also, out of the rough you will need this as well.  Practice different types of lies and shots around the green to get the feel of how much backswing and wrist c**k you use on different shots.  

  4. For a chip shot (short distance hop and roll), you play the club like a putter but with a little more downward motion at impact, wrist stays quiet and no twisting of the hands.

    If you use your pitching wedge for a higher ball flight (like to go over an obstacle or hazard), it would be a lob shot where you open the club face, or you are hitting a pitch shot (longer distance), then you can swing like a normal iron.

  5. I was tought not to break my wrists.  Attached is an article that might be helpful.  Everything in this article coincides with what I was taught when I took a couple of lessons.

    If I need to hit a chip high and soft, I open the face of the club a bit.

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