
Should you buy American? Why?

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What do you think about the poison cat food and lead based toys from China? Not to mention the child labor that goes into making them? Honestly I would say I would be willing to pay a little more for products made in America, to avoid the exploitation of children and to avoid problems like these.

A great fiction book about this very issue is 'Where did this come from?' by Larry Nocella, available on

What do you think of the issue in general? Should people buy American, and if so why? For pride, for safety, or for humanitarian reasons?




  1. If you buy a toy for your kid which was manufactured by another kid in near-slave conditions, what kind of mother are you?

    If you buy goods made in foreign factories for less money and then complain about the amount of poor people / unemployed / low wages in your country, what kind of citizen are you?

  2. I have stopped buying anything made in China. My child doesnt need any toy  made there anyway....its just crazy that these toy companies dont see reality staring them in the face.

    For all the reasons you listed...thats exactly why Americans should buy American stuff.

  3. It is a World Economic situation. If we all just bought American products there would probably be chaos.

  4. If we buy american though, The costs of goods would be sky high, And what would be reasonable would be produced in american factories that employ illegals for slave wages and quality wouldnt be any better than foregin goods. Lets face it, american c.e.o's will not dig out of their own pocket to pay for quality that american workers provide. Sad but true.

  5. Buy American

    for Pride and quality, and the economy.

  6. I would probably by American more if more was made in America, obviously. We have been sold out by the corporates. Remember U.S. steel?

  7. I fully agree with your thoughts. We need to buy American even if it costs more to protect our children, and our pets. Plus the child labor elsewhere just isn't right and we shouldn't support it although it is very hard to buy American. If you look at everything you buy from cars, clothes, toys and even food most of it is not made in america, let alone outside of China.

  8. I always try to buy merchandise made in the USA. I'm beginning to think their isn't much made here anymore. I look at things in the stores, and think, why can't this be made in the USA?

      Craft fairs  are a good way of buying products in the USA, instead of buying something commercially made.

  9. Yes, if can can determine where the product was made. Do they purchase raw materials from the USA send them abroad for manufacture then send them back?

    They should have to label each item so we know where it comes from. Especially food.

  10. We don't realy make anything anymore but low quality food, and S****y cars. Everything else is made elsewhere where the workers can't demand better working conditions or wages, and of course those pesky unions can't get in the way.

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