
Should you call the police if you hear gun shots in your neighborhood?

by Guest56783  |  earlier

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This really scared me. I heard numerous gunshots go off in my neighborhood. What do you do? Obviously, I plan to remain in my house but what proactive steps should I take?




  1. I live a mile out of downtown dallas and I always call when I hear shots! I never see cops though. They're busy around here!

  2. How sure are you that they were gunshots? Quite often what we think are the sound of gunshots are actually cars backfiring, fireworks etc etc.

    Most of the time it may be a good idea to make a note of the time and date you heard them and what it was you heard (i.e 3 sharp bangs followed a few seconds later by a fourth sharp bang). If there has  been a shooting and the police require information from the public then you can help.

    If you are reasonably sure that what you heard was infact a gunshot and is unlikely to be somthing else, especially if you heard other comotion with it or it was particularly nearby, then you could call 999 (911 in the USA) and report that you think you have heard gunshots, try and give as much detail as possible as to your location and their relative location as well as a description and time. It is likely that the police will have had other similar calls and you will simply be providing a coroborative story. Your local police department may also a have a direct line (look in the phone book or ring directory assistance)  which could be mroe suitable since you are not ringing about an emergancy, just a suspected incident.

  3. Yes, you should call the police.  Have your home secured and make sure everybody remains low to the floor, or go in the basement if you can.

  4. It depends on if there is anywhere safe to shoot in your neighborhood. Maybe someone shot some birds with a shotgun. You really don't know. If you live in a crowded neighborhood I would call the cops, but if it is in a rural area it is likely just one of your neighbors using a gun for legitimate purposes.

  5. Obviously.  How else will the police know what's going on?  There are not enough officers to be everywhere at once.

  6. Yes, you should definitely call the police and report the incident immediately! Lock your doors and windows and stay inside.

    There might not be any problems, but you never know. Somebody's life could be in jeaprody.

  7. Yes you should call the police.

  8. I have sent your email addy to the police...

    I cant Im you...are you ok?


  9. No, you make sure that you are in a safe location, and mind your own business.

  10. yeah i would, there might be someone hurt

  11. Call the Police and advise them where you think they came from (i.e. south of my house).  

    Stay away from the windows if the shooting continues.  You may also want to call neighbors around you and check with them.

    Where I work we get a lot of these calls.  You can stand outside late at night and listen and you'll occasionally hear gunshots.  I work near a large section of urban blight (crack neighborhood).

  12. i would because the gun noises could be killing people or hurting people

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