
Should you change daycares because they keep letting your kids get sunburns?

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I have tried everything I can think of to stress to my childrens daycare that I want them to apply sunscreen. They do it faithfully for my younger ones, but my 1st grader and 2nd grader have sunburns almost every day. I wish I could change them and not the little ones, but I don't want to make that many trips in the morning.




  1. First, find a new daycare for all your children. If the provider is negligent in this area, chances are they'll be lax in other areas.

    Next, go to your state's website and search for child care complaint. You should be able to find a form that allows you to report the daycare for abuse. Someone from the state will investigate and force the provider to write a plan saying how they will correct their mistakes. If they receive too many violations, they might have their license revoked.

  2. This is a no-brainer question, Mom! Change daycare. They are putting children in danger. If they say there is nothing else they can do, they should have their license taken.

    If you can't change, then insist that they keep the children stay indoors with supervision.

  3. what are you waiting on one them to have some type of heat injury or left some place where they could die, okay now that i got you attention get theirs dang haven't your read horror stories right now its just sunburn what happen if they blister or don't get enough water. pay attention what happen as some suggest you put it in their backpack and some little kid eats it, lawsuit..... cmom mom think a little...... and think what is really important have another chat with the daycare center. we just had a case where they left an infant in the van all day and it died and the aunt worked for the daycare, she was told the child wasn't picked up that's because a van had broke and the owner picked her up in a different van... please watch your day care. heat injury are serious

  4. i would change or call someone on them, does not sound good!

  5. Yes, you might be able to sue if it happened more than once.

  6. Are they aloud to wear visors or sunglasses?

    Maybe if they had a "fun" hat to put on or sunglasses they would try harder to get sunscreen :_)

  7. Hey. That does not sound good. They should do what the parent requests but I guess the worst case is that you can put sunblock on them before they leave to go to daycare? Otherwise I would probably look around for a new day care.

  8. i believe that you have the liberty to voice your opinon. you should reenforce it and have your child bring their own sunscreen. if they dont do it and ur really concerened switch daycares

  9. Send hats with them and tell them to wear them while outdoors.

  10. Well yes and no.

    You see you could and hope that the new daycare will apply the proper amount of sunscreen to your children.

    Or you could just ask your older kids to ask the daycare attendants to apply sunscreen on them. If they refuse to apply the sunscreen on your children though, you should defiantly change day cares.

  11. Have your children apply it themselves...mine do and they are 7 and 8. I buy the spray on kind, for easier application.Even at my son`s school they don`t apply sunscreen. You can buy 8 hr sunblock as well.Applying sunscreen to wiggling children can be soooo time consuming, not to mention they may forget who they applied it to. Teach your children to be proactive with their own health. They can also remind the caregivers to apply it to the younger children.Sometimes being too picky can result in lack of daycare. Be choosy about your battles.If they apply the sunscreen to your young children then they obviously expect your older ones to apply it themselves.

  12. first of all if they are not apply the sunscreen when you children it sunburns i would call the child neglect.  I would ask one more time take in 3 bottles of sunscreen and write there name on them tell them that you want it on the all 3 children.  remind your older children to make sure they put the sunscreen on them.  if the adults dont continue to do it i would report it.  with all the different skin cancer out there children need protected in the sun especially when they get sunburned so easy...

  13. Take them to a daycare that know...cares.

  14. Why not just slather them in the morning? It only takes a minute per kid, and if its waterproof, and they are just in school, it will last for awhile, nowadays they tell everyone to put sunscreen on everyday before you leave for work even, so it should be the same for kids, who are outside much more. I would not be OK with paying people to send my kids home with sunburns either....

  15. If my sons are going somewhere that I think they may not get sunscreen like they should, I put it on them before they go. Honestly though, talk to your 1st and 2nd graders because they're old enough to put it on themselves if need be. Good luck.

  16. Perhaps you could make sure than you apply sunscreen to the older kids before you leave the house in the morning, that way you know it is on their skin.

  17. send a note must wear sunscreen.and put on again every hour or change day cares

  18. Yes you should change daycares immediately! A sunburn is not just a physical thing, it's health risk, your children could be getting skin cancer! You should change day cares, and if any other children at that daycare are being treated the same, you should call DHS and report them, that is CHILD NEGLECT and they don't deserve their license.

    They also shouldn't be putting the children outside at all in 90 degree or higher weather, but I don't think there's a violation against that.

  19. I would personally- skin protection is common knoweldge at this point. I do however think it is your responsiblity to make sure they are protected-  But they too should be careful so i say change.

  20. I know in my area, If you want them to put sunscreen on them I would need the children doctor permission form.

  21. Put sunscreen on them before they go.

  22. It's not the daycares fault. Children need to learn to apply sunscreen. Switching daycares might work for a while, but in the long run, it's best to teach your kids the importance of proper sunscreen application.

  23. I would not only change to another day care, but I'd think about reporting them since this has happened more thatn once and you've already spoken to them about it.  The probelm is if they are slacking on something so obvious, what are they doing (or not doing) that you can't see.  

    Repeated sunburns can cause cancer and skin problems later in life.  Not to mention the unessary pain to your children now.

  24. You must either communicate more effectively with these people or make the sacrifices necessary to keep the kids burn-free.  Ultimately, you are responsible, dear.

  25. If they didn't follow my directions on something like this I would wonder what else they may be slacking on... I would stress that you don't like the kids coming home with sun burns all the time and that if it continues you will have to find somewhere else to take them.

    PS. Putting sunscreen on them before they go doesn't help.. I just found this out myself.. the number on the sunscreen is how often it should be reapplied when out in the sun. ie spf 45 needs to be reapplied every 45 minutes.

  26. Well, if this is an ongoing problem that they fixed then are slacking on again I would suggest switching all of your children to a different daycare. There is really no sense in making two day care runs in am then two daycare runs in the pm. I Keep my children together as much as possible casue they look out for eachother. If your having this problem with your older ones now then when the younger ones gets to their age, you'll have the same problem......switch!!!!

  27. Perhaps the sunscreen you are using isn't effective enough to keep your children from getting bured.  Maybe instead of a sunSCREEN you should get a total SunBLOCK.  And don't forget, in a daycare setting there are more tha just your children they have to look after.

  28. This may sound a bit extreme, but perhaps a doctor's prescription for the application of sunscreen would get it through their heads that your kids need sunscreen.  Talk with their pediatrician and see if he/she would be willing to write a prescription or "doctor's orders" or whatever for sunscreen to be applied after so much time in the sun.  Daycares have to follow medical stuff like that hardcore (hence having it locked up), so they'd do it whether they wanted to or not.

    If that's not an option, it's time to at least go daycare shopping.  Be upfront with the new places about your reason, but not in an aggressive way.  Skin care is crucial for everyone, but especially kids.  It's easy to forget, but if you're deliberate in your request for it, the new places ought to oblige (especially if it means looking better than their competition).

  29. that's stupid that the daycare consider it a medicine. i would send a note with them and tell them to treat it like a real medicine.  if a kid had to take medicine once or twice a day, then the daycare would give them that medicine whenever it was required, so tell them to put it on them. if you have to just talk to their doctor and have them send a note to the daycare saying that ALL of the children NEED to get sunblock on them at least twice a day.

  30. apply the sunscreen that lasts for six hours?

    however, i say switch daycare : )

  31. have you tried telling your kids to put on sunblock? maybe send them some of their own in their bag. also, try letting them pick out a sunscreen they like (like a cool scent, or the stuff that is colored until it is rubbed in) so they will want to wear it, and then maybe they will either put it on themselves or they will ask the daycare worker themselves

    if you already talked to the daycare, and try talking to your kids, but the problem persists, then yes, maybe you should make a switch

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