
Should you change the name of your Network?

by Guest56359  |  earlier

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Just wondering?




  1. If you mean from the default name, like "Linksys" then YES!  Giving it a name will make it much easier to distinguish when you are searching for your network.  It wouldn't be so fun if you couldn't figure out which network was yours if your PC detected 4 "Linksys" networks and you had to type in your password to each one to figure out which one it is.

  2. i did and it helps if you are worried about intruders.

    or if you want to be funny as i changed mine to a take of the word linksys, its similar but a funny version. noone can hack it though

  3. unix tutorials

  4. As in the SSID of your wireless net?

    There is no reason security-wise to change it.

    One school of thought is that the default name gives you some anonymity, as opposed to 'JoesNet' or something like that, where someone can connect a house and a network.

    On the other hand, of there are multiple 'linksys' or 'netgear' networks in the same hood, it can cause confusion.

    Apple wireless devices use the MAC address as part of the default network name, making each unique.

    I change every one I install.

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