
Should you disconnect your computer when?

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Should you disconnect your computer when a bad electrical storm comes around?




  1. I guess. It could mess with your internet and damage your computer probably.

  2. Yes, you should.

    The surge protectors do not help much. If it is really bad I would also make sure it is not near a window.

    good luck

  3. yea. even if it is connected to a power strip/ surge protector, there still is that .1%  or so change it could fail, so if you got allot of important data on there, unplug it.

  4. Yes, even with surge protectors they can be damaged. Remember to remove the eithernet cord as well.

  5. Not rly, unless it's a hurricane. If you have a surge protector, you're set. They work great.

  6. yes power surges are bad for your computer they can cause crashing, loss of memory, or they could just get fried

  7. i would say its a good idea cause the lighting could hit your house and travel thorough the wiring and fry your computer... that what happened to our old computer...

  8. yes but turn you computer off manualy

    it could cause a power surge inside your computer and completely fry it

  9. mostly yes but you can take the risk of shutting off instantaneously and losing everything

  10. Surge bars protect your computer equipment. If you don't have a surge bar, yes, I would unplug it during a bad storm.

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