
Should you ever give your address to a member you caddied for?

by  |  earlier

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I was caddying in a tournment and my player and i took a picture. My player later asked for my address for sending me the picture and "maybe something else". I didnt realize the down side until after the round.Is this normal for a player to ask? Should i have done this?




  1. well he could have sent it to your email but i dont think he will come to your house and attack you....

  2. Chances are he'll be sending you a copy of the picture and a nice tip.

  3. It does seem odd that he would ask for your address instead of your e-mail.  Maybe he's old school and wanted to send it to you.  Depending on how old you are, you may need to get the authorities involved to stop any pedophiles or harassment.

  4. I wouldn't worry about it.  He probably just wants to send a copy of the photo.

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