
Should you get what you deserve?

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For people that voted for Bush, you get the government you deserve. if you expect something different from mccain, then you deserve not having health care or having expensive health care, you deserve higher gas prices, you deserve more war, you deserve everything bad that comes to you. after 8 years will you be fooled again?




  1. And you think Obama is going to pull us out of that war? You believe that? LOL

    Good luck.At least McCain and the Republicans are honest on what they're going to do instead of lying just to get votes.Oh and none of them belonged to a racist church for 20 years either.

  2. You say "you get what you deserve" but don't forget that everyone else will get what those people deserve too. It's not the high rollers who suffer the consequences of their actions, its the proletarians. The majority of the people don't deserve to suffer the consequences of the actions that a few powerful people, along with some fools, made.

    Most people who vote conservative(Republican) are either extremely ignorantly religious, or middle or upper classed people with money.

  3. I did not vote for anyone at all. But I am affected by those who choose to play that game. And I am complaining. I don't like the choices that have been made and by which I must live life. I don't think I deserve that. If we all "got what we deserved" none of us would be here. Grow up.

  4. Ahahaha.


    You are so right.

  5. people like to complain and be in misery to complain more, yes it is deserved, if people wanted the right things they wouldn't let themselves get brainwashed by television and magazines and whatever else, people aren't using their voices for the right thing

    you ever saw the movie


  6. Obama wants to raise taxes. so either way you go your going to be paying more.

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