
Should you have to retake your driving test when you reach a certain age?

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There has been a lot of talk in NZ about the issue of bad drivers. Do you think mandatory re-testing every five years or so would remind people of their duties and responsibilities as drivers and kick the dangerous ones of our roads?




  1. Being that you have to update your license every 10 years in NZ already anyways. It seems a practical and useful step. For instance the change in round about laws / enforcement. Everytime I get to a round about now I am terrified because people have a different understanding of the indicating rules and I'm never sure if the person entering the roundabout actually knows the rule.

    There was quite some time ago things in the paper stating that you had to indicate to come off the round about. But what happens if you don't read the paper. Spending money on advertising seems wasteful when you don't know if you are reaching everyone. And the ones that are missed could be the ones that cause an accident.

    Incorporating a written test in the updating process could ensure that problem areas are targeted, and that people would have to actively think about and discuss the rules.

    It would likely require more funding or user pays, but its to save peoples lives so how do you quantify that.

  2. yes  i think every 5 years is good .and they should do this every where

  3. yes as a few of us appear to forget the road code from time to time I also think that the age to qualify being 15 is far too young.

  4. absolutely!....The only problem is the HUGE amount of people that would have to line up at the door at the DMV....There are way too many people that have slacked off on their driving responsibilities!

  5. You Kiwis don't have the problem drivers on the scale we Yanks have here in the US...But it's the same problem - people killing themselves and others while behind the wheel...The real problem is that there is hardly anything being done to stop the carnage.

    Virtually all vehicle mishaps are due to driver error...Thus it would seem that the best approach would be to make driving a motor vehicle as important safety-wise as flying an airplane...Pilots must undergo recurring proficiency training every year or so - mostly in a simulator...The same criteria should be set up for anyone with a driver's license...And it should be done with simulators and take no more than 10 minutes.

    Excellent question

  6. All drivers license renewals should require a new vision test regardless of age.  Having to retake the written and road tests should be based on a drivers history.  No tickets, no accidents, no need to retake the tests.  Minor violations, retake the written test; major vioations and accidents, retake both the written and road tests.

  7. yes, there has to be some attempt to cull out people not up to driving.  No one likes to give up their license, but it is better than killing innocent people or oneself.

  8. I think driver education thru the media of new road laws or abused road laws would be a better use of resources

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