
Should you keep fins on a wakeboard if you are a beginner because i am having trouble getting up?

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I have tried a few times and with one fin, two fins, but i have not tried without fins.




  1. Actually the fins shouldn't be making it harder to get up...once you're up your fins shouldn't be actually touching the water until you get out of a butterslide unless you aren't doing it right.  Make sure that you start out very relaxed leaning back in the water with the board parallel to the back of the boat.  Then as the boat begins to move keep your arms straight-don't try to pull yourself up because you will just fall-let the boat pull you.  Once you're up, if you are a beginner, you might feel that having the board parallel to the back of the boat is how you are supposed to ride.  Well you actually need to turn your hips, like you are riding a skateboard.  This may feel uncomfortable at first but you will get the hang of it.  Just experiment with facing both left and right, finding the one you feel most comfortable.  Always make sure that your weight is mostly away from the boat.  This should get you started and on your way to being a good wakeboarder.

  2. fins make it easier...keep them on while you are a beginner

  3. Just u live near an ocean?

    I have been trying to find a good location to wakeboard...

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