
Should you need a license to be a parent?

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You need a license to drive a car, own a dog, catch a fish but ANY horny jerk/easy girl can have a child!




  1. OMG we are on the same page! I recently wrote a letter to the newspaper.....I was at wal-mart shopping with my 2 kids,(i have been married for 12 years and we have a 7 and 9 year old) We were looking for a baby shower is this group of kids(6 girls)....12 to maybe 15 years in which was very pregnant...They were laughing and joking about how much money she was getting from welfare, and how the state pays for everything...and will supply her with everything she needs....then follows with "well my mom will be here in about 15 minutes to pick us up"....OK this really just pisses me off...How can we as a society, accept this?????You can not drive a car until your 16.....You can not vote until your can not have a beer/drink or buy alcohol until your 21.....Because we feel that your not RESPONSIBLE enough until you reach these ages to do these things.....

    Now how in the h**l do we allow these kids to have babies!!!!!

    This completely blows my mind!

  2. If only we were communist! I agree.

  3. I agree with you!!!!

    It's sad to see children raising children.  It's also sad to see ignorant parents or parents who don't care.  

    I'm 31, and a single mom.  I work very hard to give my son a great home, education, and life.  I teach him right from wrong as well as respect and morals.  My son comes first.

  4. No way!  Why are people so quick to let our government control every aspect of our lives?

    Demanding a license for parenting takes away the basic right of any human being to reproduce.  While I absolutely agree that MANY people reproducing could certainly benefit from some parenting classes, I don't think that giving the government control over that area of our lives is the answer.  Perhaps we could have more easily  available and more advertised parenting classes.  There are many now, but they are not well known and the people who need them most don't hear about them.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not totally anti-government (my husband is in the military!), but I AM against letting them control everything we do...including have babies.

  5. That would be great, but they would never be able to enforce it. There are hundreds of babies born every week to people who should never be a parent.

    But then again, I think an IQ test should be mandatory for those people also. If it doesn't excede your shoe size that should be clue.

  6. Yes, You need a licence to be a parent.

    Anyone can have a baby.

    Not everyone can be a parent to their child.

    Not all parents can provide a house, that

    together,  they call a "home," as in a "family."

  7. Not necessarily a license, but each parent should be required to take a parenting course. And maybe upon successful completion of this course, they can have a chunk taken off of their hospital bill by the govt? I dunno...some sort of incentive might be nice, so that decent parents do it and those who still flunk it don't get the reward, and they can be checked up on.

  8. i agree! =]    good thinkin!

  9. i agree with you 100%

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