
Should you puree vegetables in a liquidiser when making vegetable soup?

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Should you puree vegetables in a liquidiser when making vegetable soup?




  1. People like their veg soup differently. Personally I like it chunky, but if you want it smooth, cook the soup as if you were making it chunky first, then when everything is really soft, put it in the liquidiser. Careful, cos it'll be hot. Put the lid on!

  2. Why not. You would still get all our goodness, but we would be easier to digest. :)

  3. only if u want soup with no lumps.

    if you want it chunky, just put them in cut up

  4. After you have cooked the soup, pour it into a blender for a smoother texture, you might have to do it in batches depending on how much you have made. but if you want a chunky soup, theres no need to blend the cooked veg.

  5. Yes, you can, it depends how chunky you like the soup. I don't bother because I like the vegies whole, just chopped.

  6. I liquidise twigs in my soup,,gives it a kind of barky taste

  7. ¡ɹǝɹǝpɹnɯ

  8. Purely a matter of personal choice.

  9. yes if you want it smooth.

  10. you could but that would be more of a cream based or broth based soup unless you want them pureed that way...if not, just dice them for a chunkier style soup

  11. Are you sure that you are not in "food and drinks"Whats vegetable soup got to do with News and events ?

  12. depends whether you like smooth or chunky vegetable soup.

  13. All depends on your personal tastes.  I prefer vegetables whole, cut in chunks, in my vegetable soup or any kind of soup.

  14. Only if you intend to heat said soup on a bonfire

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