
Should you run day before XC meet?

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should you run the day before a cross country meet? and why?

also what happens if you dont run the day before a meet. and what should you run?




  1. Everyone is different.  Some people benefit with a complete day off before a race while others run short and easy.  I like to run an easy 3 miles the day before a race because it's relaxing and keeps me energized.

    Your shin condition however may be a good reason to rest completely before the race.  But as I said, everyone is different.  Be careful with those, by the way.  Working with a sports doctor may be beneficial.

    Your coach would also be a good person to consult, because he/she is more familiar with your skills and running style.  Good luck!

  2. I would say a little bit of running but don't work up a whole sweat.

  3. Not really a hard run. In cross country my coach has us do dynamic stretching and then ultimate Frisbee the day before a meet.  

  4. Like stated in the post above, everyone is different. Some benefit greatly from a day off prior to a race, and some are better off with an easy run the day before.

    Generally speaking, you shouldn't run with sore legs. Given this, I would suggest at least considering a day of rest before your race.

    Again, to agree with the above post, you would be better off consulting with your coach on this issue, since they know you and your running style better.

  5. It's usually just a slow easy practice. We don't go out hard and do a huge workout because earlier that week is reserved for the tough training. The day before a meet, you should run a few miles just to keep yourself in line.

    After the race, you need to recover. Take a lot of rest and get plenty of fluids. About one day after the meet, you should be getting prepared for your next meet ahead.

    Shin splints? Oh wow that must suck. Ouch. Shin splints are air pockets in the muscle and they hurt like heck. Whenever I get them, my coach advises me to lay down on the ground while he "pops" it. This is the worst part, he grabs the leg and ohhh it just makes this sound- it hurts so bad. But after this, I'm good to go.

    Best of luck at your meet! : )

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