
Should you stay with your husband if he is g*y?

by  |  earlier

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Remember, "till death do us part"!!

What is your take on it?




  1. Sorry if you got some insensitive answers.

    Honestly, I think you should do what makes both of you happy. Since you didn't elaborate who wants to leave between the two of you. If none of you want to separate, maybe you guys can work it out but please get professional help - like a therapist. Have a third person really does help in most cases. Have a therapist will give you a un-biased decisions on your issue.

    Well, best of luck to you!

  2. It is an individual and highly personal decision; and what others may or may not do does not and should not dictate what one does when confronted with this situation firsthand.

    Obviously, if a female cannot accept her g*y husband as he is in all respects, the marriage has as much of a chance as surviving as I do of winning the Florida Lottery.  The other thing to consider is that even if the wife elects to stay with her hubby after realizing or finding out that he is g*y, there is of course a good possibility that he will not want to remain with her, but, rather, find happiness on his own terms and ideally with his true soul-mate.

  3. sorry but i would be out the door .... he didnt care about our vows by going with another man so why should i? , and FYI that is  injury to insult  A MAN . well for me  

  4. No, because the purpose of the union has lost it's value once the spouse has determined that they are no longer in the relationship whole hearted.

    They can still love you, but they can not give you their heart if they are not fully intimate with you. I am not referring solely of acts of the flesh either. I mean of the mind, heart, soul, and flesh.

    If they are with you sexually, they are bisexual and not g*y.

    It is a matter of having a marriage based on false pretenses.

    You can stay with them for financial, friendship, legal, and parental reasons...but it would be like having a roommate instead of a spouse.

    Best wishes

  5. It's a personal decision between the husband and wife.

  6. No way!

  7. well if you were married to a man who presented himself as straight and then revealed he was g*y; he basically broke the deal. So til death do you part is off the table.

    However if a women really loved this man and his sexual preferences didn't bother you then why not

  8. so long he cares for you , you should not divorce him and make him understand to end his style

  9. It's up to you but now that you are asking: "no".

    The husband of a friend of mine came out of the closet and she left him. Guess what? He died of aids 4 years later.

    You don't want him bringing something home.

  10. Personally no.

  11. But wouldn't it be  devastating for your self steem and your dignityu as woman if he left you for a SUPER HANDSOME GUY. I think it would be better to leave him before he leaves you for another man;

  12. how can you if he's not attracted to you any more and now he prefers guy's, i need someone to explain to me how that would work. is he bisexual?

  13. No.

    When you married him, you were led to believe he was straight. Therefore, IMHO, he married you under false pretenses.  

  14. my question to you is how would you NOT know he's g*y before?  and why would any straight person marry someone who's g*y in the first place.  and no it's not right nor is it fair to either one of you to stay together.

  15. Divorce him and get on with your life.

    Did you know he was g*y when you married him?

  16. Do whatever you feel like. I sure wouldn't. I wouldn't marry one on the first place.  

  17. Ha Ha...He was g*y when you met him..You just didn't take the time to find out...

  18. No way would I stay with him.  What if he brings me home some disease that could kill me??

  19. well didnt he kinda ruin his part of the vow?? leave him, he can be your shopping buddy or something....  

  20. i wouldn't, did you know he was g*y, before the oath?

  21. It personally you're descision, but I think that you need to look at this as a long time thing. If you think that you are ready to watch you're husband be with other men, or even look at them, what benefit do you have? You deserve to live you're life with freedom and not be trapped in a dead end marraige. I bet you still love him, and he loves you.. but you have to think about the long run and how you are going to feel.  I think that the best option is to split and still be best friends. Think "Will and Grace" ;)  Good luck  

    p.s look at my source and it might help :)

  22. Nope.

  23. Why? He lied. Do you want an STD?

  24. I believe in "til death do us part". And any guy who knew he was g*y and married me anyways would be parted from me under that philosophy sooner than he had intended.

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