
Should you support someone even if it upsets you?

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My girlfriend and I have been together for 4 years and we are basically each others best friend. However a few months ago we took a break from the relationship for about a month. we realized how much we missed each other and got back together. Now our relationship is better than ever. There is just one problem - during the break my gf had a fling with another guy for about a week. At first she had fun with him she ended up regretting it a lot. Since she is my best friend and wanted to talk about it, I said ok- I guess i wanted to know what happened too. At first he was really nice, but then she realized he was just using her for s*x. At first he worked hard to please her, but soon he changed and would just do what he wanted and was very selfish in bed, she says he wanted to do it very often, but would finish very fast, which made her feel used. I want to be there for her, but hearing about it makes me jealous and a bit angry she let him use her. but so far ive just supported her.




  1. I don't understand what or who you wanna support. There is nobody to support. She wanted to play cool an she got what she deserved, namely, somebody who was cooler than her and instead of "supporting" her fancies was just bnging her brain dead on his own behalf. Watch and learn, pal. She possibly likes to get used. Give the little sl*t the only support she needs: another round of mindblowing bnging and then dump her. There is no friendship involved. Friendship has to go both ways. Her friendship duty was to keep all the story for herself rather than throw it on you. So the answer to your question in this case is: Nope!

  2. Well i must say i respect you for taking it so lightly knowing that she cheated on you. I honour you for that. You are a very mature and intelligent young man and i think you know what should do. But just for a little motivation you are on the right track just don't let her do it often ok. You are a gentleman and should keep it up.

  3. wow, it's great that you two are best friends, and that you want to be there for her. You love her, she is a part of you so what you feel is very understandable. Since you have listened to her and supported her I hope she is able to do the same for you. You need to be able to be honest about your feelings and feel understood and supported yourself. It sounds like her experience made her value what both of you have more.BTW  I hope she had herself checked for STD's before you two got back together, he sounds like a guy who would not have cared about who he gave what to.

  4. I think you should do what you feel is the right thing. No one can sit down and tell you everything you should do in life, so go with what feels right for you. If when you think about her and her fling, you get a bad feeling then take that into consideration. and if your gut is telling you that you should..then listen to that too. Your first instinct is usually the one that is right when it comes to personal problems. So go with whichever way you are leaning towards more.

  5. To keep a good relationship you have to be honest with each other. Tell her you are sorry about what she went through but it hurts you to hear about the other guy. She should understand. She must have a close friend she can talk to about that problem if she still needs to talk about it. Good luck.

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