
Should you take a cold shower if you have fever? says 'yes' but i heard sometimes this is fatal?

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my boyfriend has a ulcer like wound which we believe is a brown recluse bite. It was severely infected. The doctor has him taking Clindamycin (300mg) 3x a day.

His temp is 101 and fluctuating.

I have read that fever is the body's best defense against infection. Should he try reducing it?




  1. it can be if the fever is high enough and the water is cold enough. for a 101 fever though it's ok. you don't have to worry until it reaches 104 and doesn't go down with meds. to make him more comfortable use a cool cloth on his head rather than immersing his whole body. there are also cooling strips you can get at the pharmacy that can be placed in the fridge, they're menthol and sticky so they stay cool and in place.

  2. if his fever is high he can go into shock. usually a tepid shower will work....and you should still try to reduce fever because it can become dangerous if it gets too high...tylonol or ibuprofrin should work.

  3. You are absolutely right. Fever is one of the body's infection defenses.

    Bacteria and viruses do not thrive in high body temperatures. A fever helps to make the body an inhospitable environment.

    A cool shower would make him sicker.

    Try tea tree oil on the infected bite wound.

    Fever should only be reduced when it becomes so high that it is a danger to the brain. This usually only happens when body temperature rises fast and high. If it is fluctuating as with your boyfriend then the body is controlling it.

    The fever is not a danger for your boyfriend. Watch out for track marks near the wound. Red lines trailing away from the infected site mean more serious deeper infection.

    Eat no sugar ; it depletes the immune system. Have a 'clean' diet of vegetables and fruits, natural juices, soups and water. No refined food.

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