
Should you tip if you eat at the counter?

by  |  earlier

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I mean, if the waiter walks six feet, is that entitled to 15%?




  1. If you don't feel 15% is earned, then leave less.  But yes, leave a tip unless you had to serve yourself.

  2. Yes!!!!! They are still serving you!!! a all you can eat, serve yourself..STILL 20%

  3. So give him 10% as long as he takes care of you. If he doesn't, don't tip.

  4. well i dont always tip even if it is encluded in the bill...if they dont deserve i dont tip them i only tip what i feel they deserve... so if you feel they deserve a tip then tip them :)

  5. 20% is the proper tip for good service, and if the counter person gives good service then who cares if they walk a mile or stand still. how would you feel if you worked for tips and were left nothing. it's insulting.

  6. Yep.  Anytime someone waits on you - no matter how short the walk - they should be tipped.  You realize most servers don't make more than $3.00/hr - they're expected to make it up in tips.  So, as long as their service if fine, you should tip.

  7. yes i do tip they are still getting my drink etc.

    The only time i feel funny about tipping is when its subway and Mcallisters etc they have tip jar out for what??????like i only left 2,.00 bucks at mcaliisters today...but i didnt see anyone else even leaving anything.

    Do you tip at subway?theres little jars all over town!!even for picking up a pizza at hungry howies.

  8. Yes, I think you should tip.  I do.

  9. I think so. Your stilll being served.

  10. I tip if the service is good no matter how far or near they are and no matter what the cost of the items that I am ordering. In other words I will tip evan if I am  just having coffee as long as the service is good that is was tipping is all about .

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