
Should you use a satin or semi-gloss polyurethane finish on new hardwood flooring after staining?

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We have almost finished remodeling an entire house. We put brand new oak hardwood flooring in the entire house, with the exception of the bathrooms and laundry room. We have picked out the stain color (an oil-based by Min-wax), but are unsure whether to use a satin or semi-gloss polyurethane finish. Anyone have any ideas which would look the best?




  1. We did the exact same thing. We just finished last week. We put a shiny, shiny finish. It looks awesome! I would go with semi-gloss. Satin would make it look not quite finished. I think that its your taste. Some people hate shiny floors.. So, whatever you think you could live with..thats what you should go with.

  2. I like satin finish, but I also don't paint my kitchen and bathroom with semi-gloss paint.  I use eggshell (matte finish).  I tend to use a lot of colour on the walls.

    I find satin finish on floors does not show up the dust as much and is less glaring on the eyes.  I prefer a lower-key look.  So, it is a question of personal preference.

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